Day in the Life

Sep 25, 1857

Journal Entry

September 25, 1857 ~ Friday

25th I spent the fore part of the day in the Endowment
I spent the afternoon in the office. Elder Nathaniel V. Jones
arived this morning for the United States Armey with the express
He visited with Capt Van Vleit both ritedjments the first
was the 10th ridgment that was a full regiment the officers
were young & full of fire & they swore they would come
in any how they could whip out Utah Capt Van Vleit
advised them not to come for they could get nothing
they would have to fight their way but they swore
they would fight their way through after Van Vleit
left them they marched 30 miles instead of 15 the next day,
the 2nd riegiment he met with they were old officers they
considered the matter over more & thought it an imposition
to be sent out here as a political movement to kill innocent
people or to get killed they will be at the pacific springs
to night & our Brethren will commence operation upon


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Jones, Nathaniel V.
13 Oct 1822 - 15 Feb 1863


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Autobiography Volume 3 circa 1865-1866
Elder Nathaniel V. Jones arrived on the morning of the from the United States Army with the express. He visited with Captain Van Vleit both regiments. The first was the 10th Regiment. This was a full regiment. The officers were young and full of fire and they swore they would come in anyhow; they could whip out Utah. Captain Van Vleit advised them not to come for they could yet [get] nothing and they would have to fight their way; but they swore they would fight their way through After Captain Van Vleit left them they marched 30 miles the next day. The second regiment they met with were old officers They considered the matter over more and thought it an imposition to be sent out here and as a political movement to kill innocent people or to get killed. They were to be at the Pacific Springs that night and our brethren were to commence operations upon them. Next day I had some conversation with general Wells upon the subject of going into the Mountains. He said he should soon go and take with him George A. Smith and John Taylor as councillors He was going to take but a part of his staff and he wished me to stay at home in the Office for the present. This was according to counsel. The following conversation passed between President Young and Captain Van Vleit not before recorded in this Journal. Captain Van Vleit said I think that Congress will try to do all they can against you President Young said if God inspires any man to speak for us it will be well We have got to trust in God. If you will speak in favor of us and I think you will the Lord will bless you for so doing. He will require it of you. We have refuted lies so long that we have got tired of it and we shall now trust in God for the future. Congress could send out an investigating committee to Kansas or to any other place but to Utah. Upon the mere rumor of lies they could send out 2000 soldiers to Utah to destroy the people without investigating the subject at all Captain Van Vleit said the Government may yet send out one to Utah and consider it policy before they get through with it


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Sep 25, 1857