[Joseph Smith Papers Document] In company with G. A. Smith I called upon Pres-
ident Brigham Young and asked council about publishing
the Endowments or an outline of it telling the time when
the Twelve received their 2nd Anointing & also the organ-
ization of the Council of 50 He gave his concent for
us to publish an account of ist so that the Saints might
understand it {but not the world}. He gave into our hands all
the records of the council of 50 and all of his own private
Letters, Notes, Receips, Pocket Books, &c which I took to the
Historians office & spent the day and Evening in examining
& fileing all that was not for Historical purposes I done
up carefully on file to return to him.
while with President Young Ben Simons a Cherikee
called into President Youngs office had been two days
in the camp of the Enemy. He related his travels there
said they wanted salt vary much their Animals were
dying vary Fast they were cutting timber & diging holes
in the Earth that looks a little like their going into winter
Quarters. The Merchants were suffering for the want of
food they ought to suffer for they have been the means
of Bringing on this war in a great measure
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