Day in the Life

Mar 31, 1859

Journal Entry

March 31, 1859 ~ Thursday

^31st^ I herd the report of the doings of the court Judge Cradlebaugh threat
ened to arest Gov Cummings they came near a collission some
boys threw stones at the centinels they reported that to the com-
mander [who] gave orders oif any more was flung to fire in the direction
and if the fire was returned to kill all the prisioners immediately
it seems a difficult matter to keep from having a collision
betwen the citizens and troops.

A coffin I attended the funeral of Sister Woolley. A large congre-
gation assembled, there was also President H. C. Kimball
& D H Wells presient also O. Prat W Woodruff J. Taylor
G. A. Smith E. T. Benson & Erastus Snow, also Bishop Hunter
Hunter & many Bishops & Elders they sung "O My Father thou
that dwellest" O Pratt Prayed. Another Hymn was sung
Elder O. Pratt then addressed the People. And said what
I may say I do not know, but I hope I may be led to say
what will be for the best. Since I came here my eyes have
been saluted with one thing, and that is that death has power
over all thing, that we see. we are called upon to part with
our best friends and have them taken away from us what
we now see in death, and what has happened from the Beginning
in like manner will all the millions who now dwell upon the
whole Earth will be called to pass through the same change. If we
had no knowled[g]e of God we should feel vary diferent from what
we now do. If we thought our bodies would lie in the dust and
never be raised again we should have great cause to mourn

but we have learned that the being which inhabits this Tabernacle
will live forever and not die. we have to lay our tabernacles
in the dust but they will again be resurrected with an immor-
tal body for Jesus Christ through his death and sufferings
restored unto all the children of men the privilege of the resurrec-
tion of their bodies, and if we keep a celestial lay [law] we shall
have a celestial resurrection but all the righteous & the wicked
will have their bodies again. we cannot imagin the greatness
of the glory of the saint of God after the resurrection. Notwithstanding
all that our bodies suffer in this life in pain sorrow & distress
the want of food &c still we cling to them and do not wish to
give them up. we do not realize the great difference there is in
being in this world or probation & the next all the knowledge we
formerly had was taken from us when our spirits took these
bodies some think we never did exist till we came here because
we cannot remember any thing neither can we remember any
thing of the first year or two of our existance yet our spirits
remained in our bodies as much as they do now but as soon as
our spirits leave these imperfect tabernacles or rather bodies
cloged with mortality & evil our spirits will be in lively reco-
llection of evry thing that took place with us before we came
here and all things appertaining to us since we came in this
world. It is right for us to take proper care of our bodies and
do right & when we have done that we should leave all in the
hands of God and not be over anxious for our lives for if we are
faithful I expect we shall be raised in the morning of the first
. And if we expected to be crowned Kings and
Priests & sit upon thrones we want experience in this world and
the next in order to be prepared for thes things. If we were
to be judged by the knowledge we once had before we came
here it would not be right, for we have to be judged according
to the light we have and if we break the Law of God after having
received great light and knowled[ge], our condemnation would
be accordingly. when the righteos come forth with their resur-
rected bodies, they will have great Joy in the remembrance
of their faithful deeds while the wicked will have great
sorrow in the rememberence of their wicked deeds, & the persecu-
tion of the Saints, their sorrow will be increased a thou-
sand fold while the Joy of the Saints will be a thousand fold
It has been thought by some that when the spirit leaves the
body that will never be called upon to labour either befor or
after the resurrection, but I believe that all the children of
God will be called to perfore duties through all Eternity as
great as they are capable of performing, that they may
continue to receive the blessings of their Father in heaven
Those who lived and died before the coming of Christ who were
faithful received their resurrected Bodies after Christ arose
and if you are faithful you will also have your resurrected
bodies at the second coming of Christ and when we
come to meet with them we can then tell our labours &
toils over together, each in their generation, and if they
had persecution so have we, and if they were driven from
their homes & had perils for Christ sake so have [we] and we
can be mutual in our communication together

And the Zion on the Earth will ere long metet with the Zion
of Enoch and there we will greet each other and we shall
have such Joy as we have never seen on the Earth

President Heber C Kimball then spoke a short time He said
in regard to what had been said by O. Pratt is all good.

In regard to the abobe [abode] of departed spirits I have no doubt
but this wourld will stand forever. Jesus says in this world
ye have tribulation but in me ye have pease [John 16:33], But I am going
to say a few words about Sister Mary W Woolley, we call
her dead she is dead in one sense, but not ^in^ another. I have
known her before she was in the Church, she is a good woman
she has always stood by her husband and has been true to
him and if she has been true in this life she will be in
the next and have her reward which will be the case in
the next probation with all. I believe in many Probation
When Sister Woolley gets in the next probation she will
sit down with Sarah and the ancient Holy women as well
as the Prophets and Apostles who have lived in this proba
tion when they go into the spirit world they sit down with
Abram and the Patraiarchs and Prophets. She has had
many troubles in this life but she has got through them
all and I am confident she will sit down with all the
Holy men & women in the Eternal world, and will
remain with them Eternally. what she has past through
she has done for salvation and she has stood it well and
now has gone to rest, and I can say of a truth that I know
that she is now well off and all is well off with her. She has
sustained Brother Woolley in carrying out the doctrin of the
Patriarkal order of marriage and this because God had
Had commanded it we have often herd President Young say
that He did not enter into it because he likied it but because
God had commanded it. If we had not done it we should have
been damed. He commanded Law Marks & others to enter into it
but they did not obey the word of the Lord and they have gone
and denied the faith while we remain and God will sustain
us here in the mountains, true yes it is as true as the sun,
and those who are faithful will be saved Sister Woolley
has been true and so has Brother Woolley and their sons
and daughters have been true men and women and
I say God Bless you Brother Woolley and your family
and I Bless you all that are faithful But a curse will
come upon the Nation that has sought our destruction
and as God lives what the nation seeks to bring upon us
will be brought upon them so we must be patient, the
Lord has them in his power and they cannot move ownly
as the Lord permits and God will regard all that we have
done in the Temple of God and we will have to fully carry
it out and if we have not done wrong or broaken our cov
we shall receive all that has been promised unto
us and all will be right And may God grant that all may
come upon our Enemies that the Lord may wish to bring
upon them. Amen

Prayer by D. H. Wells a large train
of carriges accompanied the corps [corpse] to the grave. S. M. Blair
arived in the evening from Provo we had a conversation with him


Browse people Wilford Woodruff mentioned on this day in his journal. Click on the person's name to view a short bio and other pages they are mentioned on or click on "View in Family Search" to view their FamilySearch profile.

246 mentions
Scriptural Figure
Young, Brigham
1 Jun 1801 - 29 Aug 1877
3480 mentions
Apostle, Family
Wells, Daniel Hanmer
27 Oct 1814 - 24 Mar 1891
803 mentions
Woolley, Edwin Dilworth
28 Jun 1807 - 14 Oct 1881
127 mentions
86 mentions
Scriptural Figure
Snow, Erastus
9 Nov 1818 - 27 May 1888
706 mentions
Benson, Ezra Taft
22 Feb 1811 - 3 Sep 1869
379 mentions
Smith, George Albert
26 Jun 1817 - 1 Sep 1875
1450 mentions
Apostle, Missionary
Kimball, Heber Chase
14 Jun 1801 - 22 Jun 1868
1470 mentions
Taylor, John, b. 1808
1 Nov 1808 - 25 Jul 1887
1967 mentions
Woolley, Mary Wickersham
4 Nov 1808 - 29 Mar 1859
Pratt, Orson
19 Sep 1811 - 3 Oct 1881
1095 mentions
5 mentions
Scriptural Figure
Blair, Seth Millington
13 Mar 1819 - 17 Mar 1875
Law, William
8 Sep 1809 - 1 Jan 1892
44 mentions
Marks, William
15 Nov 1792 - 22 May 1872
18 mentions


Browse places mentioned in Wilford Woodruff's journal entry on this day. Click on the place names to view other pages where they are mentioned.



View selected quotes from this page in Wilford Woodruff's journal.

we have learned that the being which inhabits this Tabernacle will live forever and not die. we have to lay our tabernacles in the dust but they will again be resurrected with an immor- tal body for Jesus Christ through his death and sufferings restored unto all the children of men the privilege of the resurrec- tion of their bodies, and if we keep a celestial law we shall have a celestial Resurrection but all the righteous & the wicked will have their bodies again. we cannot imagin the greatness of the glory of the saint of God after the resurrection.
~ Wilford Woodruff
but as soon as our spirits leave these imperfect tabernacles or rather bodies cloged with mortality & evil our spirits will be in lively reco- llection of evry thing that took place with us before we came here and all things appertaining to us since we came in this world. It is right for us to take proper care of our bodies and do right & when we have done that we should leave all in the hands of God and not be over anxious for our lives for if we are faithful I expect we shall be raised in the morning of the first Resurrection. And if we expected to be crowned Kings and Priests & sit upon thrones we want experience in this world and the next in order to be prepared for thes things.
~ Wilford Woodruff
If we were to be judged by the knowledge we once had before we came here it would not be right, for we have to be judged according to the light we have and if we break the Law of God after having received great light and knowled[ge], our condemnation would be accordingly. when the righteos come forth with their resur- rected bodies, they will have great Joy in the remembrance of their faithful deeds while the wicked will have great sorrow in the rememberence of their wicked deeds, & the persecu- tion of the saints, their sorrow will be increased a thou- sand fold while the Joy of the saints will be a thousand fold
~ Wilford Woodruff
I believe that all the children of God will be called to perfore duties through all Eternity as great as they are capable of performing, that they may continue to receive the blessings of their Father in heaven
~ Wilford Woodruff
Those who lived and died before the coming of Christ who were faithful received their resurrected Bodies after Christ arose and if you are faithful you will also have your resurrected bodies at the second coming of Christ and when we come to meet with them we can then tell our labours & toils over together each in their generation, and if they had persecution so have we, and if they were driven from their homes & had perils for Christ sake so have [we] and we can be mutual in our communication together
~ Wilford Woodruff
And the Zion on the Earth will ere long metet with the Zion of Enoch and there we will greet each other and we shall have such Joy as we have never seen on the Earth
~ Wilford Woodruff
if we have not done wrong or broaken our cov enants we shall receive all that has been promised unto us and all will be right
~ Heber C Kimball


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Mar 31, 1859