Day in the Life

Oct 26, 1859

Journal Entry

October 26, 1859 ~ Wednesday

26 This was an awful day and night to me, we had
[FIGURE] a raging wind through the night, and a raging
struggle through my tabernacle between
life and death. My desease pain & suffering had nearly
b[l]own out the lamp of life my nose, mouth, & lips
was black with malignant sores caused by my
desease and I hardly strength left sufficient to
endure my sufferings. it was one of the longest
and most bitter nights of my life not ownly the
pain and misery of my cough Lungs and side, But
all the Horrible imaginations that the Devil or disease
could invent was heaped upon my feble spirit which
was fluttering between life & death and struggleing
for the mastery to remain in the tabernacle these were
sufferings which remained during that long stormy
night, sufferings which no pen can describe or tounge

can tell it was not any fear of death but a visita-
tion of the most ^damnable^ vampyres to torment both body
and spirit that could be congured up eithe^r^ real
or imaginary. Mrs Woodruff and others was with
me & also Brother Squares set up with me most of
the night at last day light appeared


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Woodruff, Phebe Whittemore Carter
8 Mar 1807 - 10 Nov 1885
1587 mentions


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Oct 26, 1859