Day in the Life

Feb 17, 1860

Journal Entry

February 17, 1860 ~ Friday

17 A plesant morning I spent the day in the office President Young
called into the office at about 1 oclok. He said when he come in
I want to ask a question and that is what do the clerks do in this
and how much do they do in a day I told him as near as I could
Brother Richard Britain came in with President Young & told all
his misfortunes He said he had broke many of his bones. he said nothing
prospered that He touched if he sowed any seed in the ground it would not grow

President Young spoke of a cure for a sprain heat up the system
and the limb with hot watter, then into the cold water alternately
He had known many sprains cured in this way In speaking of the
House of Congress not organizing He said I look for the members
to go to the treasurer & demand their pay or per Dium. Many
remarks were made


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Young, Brigham
1 Jun 1801 - 29 Aug 1877
3468 mentions
Apostle, Family


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Church membership 61,000; population of Utah Territory 40,273, population of 33 United States 31,443,000.

Feb 17, 1860