Day in the Life

Oct 13, 1860

Journal Entry

October 13, 1860 ~ Saturday

13 Keys crossed Wilford commened togrinding Early & did not oil the mill &
wore out one of the lower Boxes we must have another I took
a mule put on a pair of spiurs & rode to the mashine shop at the sugar house
made an arangemet to have a man go with me to the sugar Mill to

to run the Box on the maschine standing I put some 5 lb of compocit-
ion in my pocket & went to get onto my mule the girt was not tight
& as I went to get on the saddle turned some & as I tried to throw
myself onto his back my spur pricked him he sprung light a
Deer and turned me with the sadde on his side the seconed Jump
I struct the ground with my head & shoulders my feet cleared
the stirups but in trying to hold onto the lines he draged me ag[ai]nst
his helels I then let go fearing he would kick me my fall
jared me a good deal & bruised my Elbow, but I was not serio-
usly injured though I might have been killed it was fortunally
for me that the animal did not kick. I caught my mule & rode
down to the mill and assisted in casting the Box I spent most
of the day at the farm & went home in the evening & took home 2 Barr[els]
of molasses


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Woodruff, Wilford (Jr.)
22 Mar 1840 - 9 May 1921
721 mentions


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I attended meeting at the Tabernacle Brother Taylor President Young preached to the people which were two vary interesting discourses the spirit & power of God was upon them & their teachings were vary plain & full of instruction there is a far greater outporing of the spirit of God upon the Presidency & Twelve & the Saints in general than ever before there is some great Events at the door of this generation which will effect both Zion & great Babylon.
~ Wilford Woodruff

Oct 13, 1860