Day in the Life

Feb 27, 1861

Journal Entry

February 27, 1861 ~ Wednesday

27 The ground is covered this morning with a white mantle and
it has been snowing quite Hard. We got the News with an Extra this
morning which showed that Jefferson Davis was Inaugurated as President
of the Southern Confederation At Montgomery Ala. so there is
now two Presidents in the United States


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Letter from William Henry Hooper, 27 February 1861
Washington. D.C. Wilford Woodruff Esqr G.S.L. City. Utah Territory. Dear Bro, Your much Esteemed favor of the 24th ulto duly reached me, and it afforded me pleasure to learn of the prosperity attending. the inhabitants of our beloved Territory, also the peaceable time Experienced during the Winter. The reverse however, has characterized the movements of the people by whom I am surrounded, the most intense anxiety, and Excitement prevailing ever since my arrival here. I have however strove to attend to the interests of my constituents, and kept aloof as much as possible from participating in any political squabbles. I may say, I have been treated by all parties during this Session, with respect, and in many instances marked courtesy, and thro' a variety of ways, my acquaintance among men of all classes is pretty Extensive, and tends to help me along materially in the discharge of my onerous duties. I shall write Prest Young on Saturday by Pony with the news, and as you will receive the same before this reaches you, it will be useless to advert at length now, to the political movements, indeed, things are in some respects at a stand still, all eyes are turned to the Prest Elect – to solve the problem


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Feb 27, 1861