7. I spent the day in the Endowment House. We gave endow-
ment to 40 persons. H C K sealed 5 couple W W. 5 couple &
G. Q. Cannon 9. Total 19.
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Sunday Jan 1, 1865 Jan 1, 1865 This is the commencement of a New Year The past year has been an Eventful year in many respects Esspecially in the history of the United States war has contine- ued to rage with awful carnage through the year between the North & South, and apparently with No prospect of peace. All Nations steem to be prepareing for war and great calamity await the wicked. yet Zion still prospers and God is with her He defends Zion & sustains his servants
E. T. Benson spoke in the morning & President Young in the afternoon which was a vary interesting discourse He conveyed the idea that Adam & Eve done right in partaking of the forbidden fruit they were sent to the Earth to do it that man might know the contrast good & Evil
View selected events in the two months surrounding this date in Wilford Woodruff's life. Click on the dates to jump to that day in Wilford Woodruff's journal.