Day in the Life

Jan 22, 1865

Journal Entry

January 22, 1865 ~ Sunday

22nd Sunday I met with my Quorum in the morning and attended
meeting all day in the Tabernacle. Bishops Maugn, & Rowbery
preached in the forenoon W Woodruff preached in the afternoon
He took for his text (He that walketh in the path of righteousness
& truth, will have no communion with the Blasphemer & ungodly)
this text was his own prverb I spoke over one hour. I met with the
Twelve & President Young for prayer. At the close of prayer Presidt
Young said to George A. Smith I want to dismiss Thomas Bullock
& tfrom the Historian office & put Joseph ^F.^ Smith in his place I do not
want any more clerks in the office than there now is. I Believe
Dr Richards used to take any papers he could lay his hands upon
for waste Papers whether they are valuable or not & I beliveeve
Thomas Bullock will do the same, & I dont want him in the
office any longer. (But Brother G. A. Smith or myself have never
known either Richards or Bullock destroy any valuable papers
But always looked upon them as faithful honest men. G. A. Smith
wished me to see Thomas Bullock & inform him of his dismissal
I called upon him & informed him He went to the 11 ward with
me & spoke to the people & I followed him


Browse people Wilford Woodruff mentioned on this day in his journal. Click on the person's name to view a short bio and other pages they are mentioned on or click on "View in Family Search" to view their FamilySearch profile.

Young, Brigham
1 Jun 1801 - 29 Aug 1877
3470 mentions
Apostle, Family
Smith, George Albert
26 Jun 1817 - 1 Sep 1875
1446 mentions
Apostle, Missionary
Richards, Heber John
11 Oct 1840 - 12 May 1919
Rowbery, John Rowberry
16 Jan 1825 - 4 Apr 1884
34 mentions
1840 British Convert
Smith, Joseph Fielding
13 Nov 1838 - 19 Nov 1918
4145 mentions
Maughan, Peter
7 May 1811 - 24 Apr 1871
Bullock, Thomas
23 Dec 1816 - 10 Feb 1885


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Discourse 1865-01-22
[Remarks made in the Adobe Tabernacle in Salt Lake City, Utah] {Wilford Woodruff I am called upon to occupy a little time this afternoon and I believe I will take a text my text is he that walketh in the the paths of righteousness and truth hath not fellowship with the blasphemer and ungodly if you do not find it in the Proverbs of Solomon I do not know where you will yet I am satisfied that whatever path the children of men walks in whether that path be good or evil the longer a person follows it the more desire they will have to remain there in and I am perfectly satisfied that any man that serves the Lord that keeps his commandments that enjoys the Spirit of the Lord and walks in the light thereof that anything that is contrary to this is not pleasing and agreeable to him]- there is no man that enjoys the Spirit of God and is seeking to do his will that is pleased that is edified in hearing the name of God blasphemed or in associating with the society of the ungodly and those that honor not the name of the Lord]- almost every person in the world has an influence and every person is responsible not only for their own acts the influence which they present or create with their fellow men and those persons who do not keep the commandments of God and receive the gospel of Christ that do not undertake and attempt to learn the word and the gifts and blessings of the gospel of Christ those that will not receive these things will not attempt to receive them and lay them to heart study them or endeavor to obtain the blessings from them know nothing about them they do not know anything about the joy the consolation the gratification and the blessings that are received by walking in the paths of the righteous of the godly of those that keep the commandments of God and there is an influence with all men from the time they live to years of accountability to their death of good and evil with all the light of Christ enlighteneth all that cometh into the world more or less according to the position they occupy upon the face of the earth according to the amount of life light and knowledge intelligence which is presented before them and the Spirit of the Lord operates with all persons in the days of their youth whether they live under a gospel dispensation of not[.] whenever they live for instance in what is termed a civilized government or community under the laws rules and regulations of civilization they are taught for instance moral principles they are taught the moral law of ten commandments they are taught from their parents not to lie and steal and swear and do those things that are accounted]- ungodly and unholy unrighteous in the midst of society whenever parents told their children these principles they are taught in early [years] they make an impression upon their minds and as quick as children arrive at years of accountability and years of [illegible shorthand] at a very early age if they do not hear their parents swear or say any bad words when they come into society of other children they hear these things they are shocked to hear their associates swear take the name of God in vain and it is an influence upon them it makes an impression upon their minds and this is so through their whole life[.] it has always been a matter of faith with me that almost all persons in the world form their character that controls and governs their future life from the time when they are at a very early age up to the time they arrive to 18 or 20 years old[.] in their youth in their teens their minds are open like a piece of white paper to whatever impressions made upon them in early life that affect them through their life[.] you may take notice of thieves where they have been indicted throughout the world you will find that their parents were thieves and they were taught to steal in their childhood and in the days of their youth and those uncomely impressions were taught them by their parents and presented before them[.] it is seldom you will see a man that has had righteous and honest parents that have brought up their children and good lives to 18 or 20 years old that will depart from them through life and here in is where there is a great responsibility resting upon parents throughout the world in all communities and societies and especially with the Latter-day Saints now[.] I was brought up under the Blue Laws of |Connecticut where the laws the days}


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Jan 22, 1865