Day in the Life

Apr 7, 1867

Journal Entry

April 07, 1867 ~ Sunday

7. Sunday Conference Assembled in the Tabernacle at 10 oclok
prayer By Joseph W. Young. G. A. Smith spoke one hour
& President Young spoke 20 minutes He said I am at the
defiance of any man to Prove that God ^Ever^ afflicted a faithful
People. when People are afflicted they bring it upon themselve
in a great measure. whenever a people are faithful the Lord
Blesses them & when they are disobedient & wicked He chastizes them
Afternoon Prayer By Phineas Young we met in
the Bowery. W. Woodruff spoke 15 minutes E. T. Benson
spoke 30 Minutes & G. Q. Cannon spoke 16 minutes
President Young spoke 10 minutes


Browse people Wilford Woodruff mentioned on this day in his journal. Click on the person's name to view a short bio and other pages they are mentioned on or click on "View in Family Search" to view their FamilySearch profile.

Young, Brigham
1 Jun 1801 - 29 Aug 1877
3472 mentions
Apostle, Family
Benson, Ezra Taft
22 Feb 1811 - 3 Sep 1869
379 mentions
Smith, George Albert
26 Jun 1817 - 1 Sep 1875
1448 mentions
Apostle, Missionary
Cannon, George Quayle
11 Jan 1827 - 12 Apr 1901
2292 mentions
Young, Joseph Watson
12 Jan 1829 - 7 Jun 1873
Young, Phineas Howe
16 Feb 1799 - 10 Oct 1879


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He said I am at the defiance of any man to Prove that God ^Ever^ afflicted a faithful People, when People are afflicted they bring it upon themselve in a great measure, whenever a people are faithful the Lord Blesses them & when they are disobedient & wicked He chastizes them
~ Brigham Young

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Discourse 1867-04-07
Great Salt Lake City, . -[REPORTED BY DAVID W. EVANS.]- I shall call the attention of that por- tion of the House of Israel who are present, to the text which was given us at the beginning of this Conference, "Be ye of one heart and of one mind." This is a very good text, and one that is of great importance to this people. As was quoted this morning, Jesus said if ye are not one ye are not mine [Doctrine and Covenants 38:27]. This principle has been given to us by com- mandment and revelation. "Mormon- ism" is not a fable neither is it a Yan- kee trick got up to deceive this genera- tion; but it is a living fact, a truth which God and the angels in heaven know, and which many people on earth understand. The principles which have been taught to us since the commencement of this Conference are very important for us to understand, and to carry out in our lives. This is the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. It has been established by the command- ment of God; and it is composed of the honest-in-heart, the meek of the earth, out of all sects, parties, denominations and nations. This body of people, or church, has got to build up the Zion of God in the last days; and this work can not be accomplished upon any other principle than that of our being united together as the heart of one man. Everywhere upon the face of the earth we can see what the effect of dis- union is. The more that nations, com- munities, families, or bodies of people in any capacity under heaven, are divi- ded, the less power they possess to carry out any purpose or principle imagin- able; and the more union they possess, whether in a legislative or any other capacity, the more power they have to accomplish what they desire. We can see that the people of the world are be- coming more and more divided every day, and the evils resulting therefrom are everywhere apparent. We are call- ed to build up Zion, and we can not build it up unless we are united; and in that union we have got to carry out the commandments of God unto us; and we have got to obey those who are set to lead and guide the affairs of the King- dom of God. There have been principles presented before us and counsel given during this Conference which are of vast impor- tance to this people. There are many positions that we as a people, have to occupy, and many branches of business to which we have to attend, not only of a spiritual, but also of a temporal ma- ture. Jesus said to the Jews you pay tithes of mint, anise, and cummin, but you neglect the weightier matters of the law, and they, as well as your tithing, are required at your hands [Matthew 23:23]. So it is with us. We are one of heart and mind as it regards faith, repentance, baptism, or the first principles of the gospel of Jesus Christ; but the same unity must exist in our midst in all our temporal labors—in building temples, taberna- cles, cities, towns, villages, canals, cul- tivating the earth or any other labor, if we ever accomplish the object for which we have been raised up. No people, unless they are united together, can ever build up Zion and establish the Kingdom of God on the earth. We have been taught the Word of Wisdom. It was given to us many years ago, and the Lord said it was ap- plicable to the weakest Saint. Very few of us have kept the Word of Wis- dom; but I have no doubt that if the counsel of President Young were carried out, it would save the people of this Territory a million of dollars annually. I feel that we ought to put these things into practice. We ought to unite to- gether in all matters required of us in order to carry out the purposes of the Lord our God. The people are able to do it if they feel disposed. Why, Bish- op Hardy told me here this morning that he had laid aside his tobacco; he has loved it almost ever since he was born; and if he can leave it off every man in Israel ought to be able to do it. It was said to-day that whisky drink- ing makes fools of men; it does. Its effects are much worse than they used to be, for the liquor made now-a-days contains so much strychnine and arse- nic that it is enough to kill anybody, and unless those who use it do lay it aside many will die. Lay aside whisky, tobocco, tea and coffee, and use none of them unless it be as a medicine. We can all do it, and there is not a man or woman in Israel, with any faith in this work, but is required to do so. This little mustard seed here around this bowery, which has sprung up in the valleys of the monntains, has either got to grow and progress and become a great tree in whose branches the fowls of the air can lodge, or it must stop growing altogether. We have either to build up Zion in its beauty, power and glory, according to the order which has been received by the servants of God, or else give it up. We must do one or the other. If we do this we must advance, and whatever God requires at our hands we must carry out. I know the world oppose us because we are united; they say we are governed by one man. I would to God that all Is- rael would obey the voice of one man as the heavens obey the voice of God. Then we would have power to build up Zion and to obtain all things necessary for us before the Lord. We have come to this. There is no division among us so far as the principles of our religion are concerned; it is in relation to some things the world call temporal that we are not one. How are you going to build up Zion? In the hearts of the people? Why you could not get Zion into the heart of any man, not even in- to that tabernacle; and I never saw a man in my life as big as that; and I hope we shall never see the day when we will have a house big enough to hold Israel, for I trust they will be too nu- merous for any house we can build. We have to build up Zion, a temporal work here upon the face of the earth, and we have got to establish righteous- ness and truth. When I say a temporal work I speak of temporal things. The Zion of our God can not be built up in the hearts of men alone. We have to build temples and cities, and the earth has to become sanctified and be made holy by the children of God who will dwell upon it; and to do this we must be united together. I do not wish to preach a long sermon, but I feel that we ought to lay hold and carry out the counsel that has been giv- en to us at this Conference. If we lay aside these things that do us no good, as has been already said, we will be bet- ter off, have more unity, have power to gather and feed the poor, to send the elders abroad and to do a great deal of good with the means that we have saved, instead of squandering it upon those things that are injurious to us and dis- pleasing in the sight of God. Brethren and sisters, let us lay these things to heart, and be united in doing all the good we can in our day and gen- eration. We have the right to do good, but not evil. The principles of the gos- pel of Jesus Christ which have been revealed in our day are the power of God unto salvation to all that believe, both Jew and gentile, in this age of the world as well as any other; and in- asmuch as we will be united in carrying out the counsel we have received, we can overcome every evil that lies in our path, build up the Zion of God, and place ourselves in a position that we may be saved therein; which may God grant, for Christ's sake. Amen.


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Apr 7, 1867