Day in the Life

Dec 31, 1869

Journal Entry

December 31, 1869 ~ Friday

31. The last day of the year I spent at home A synopsis of
My labors will be found on the following leaf. Thus Ends 1869
and it has Been a vary important year in many resp[ec]ts
The great National Highway, the Union Pacific, & Central
was built during this year also the Utah Central
Rail Road
was Built from Ogden to Salt Lake City The first
rail road Built By the Latter Day Saints & owned By them, And
the first rail road Built in America. Built By working men
without Assistance from Governm[en]t, or large capitalist, this
is Built By the Poor Saints & owned By them without assistance from
any one Expcept the Lord. This opens a communication wi
Between Salt Lake City & all the world. We emigrated about
3000 Saints during this year. We have Lost during the past
year One of our Number of the Quorum of the Twelve
Apostles viz Ezra Taft Benson, & Albert Carrington was
Appointed in his stead. President Brigham Young G A. Smith
D. H. Wells & the Twelve Apostles have travelled from St Charles

Bear lake valley to St George in Washington County &
President Brigham Young Preached during these Journies 43 Hours
& 12 minutes according to the time I kept as recorded in my
Journal. We also Esstablished the Joint Merchantile Coop-
eration as a general whole sale store also ward stores.
We have had sent unto us By the general Governm[en]t the
most wicked set of Judges & all government officers that
have ever Been sent in Utah Territory, they are doing
all they can to stir up the general Governm[en]t to make war
war upon us & to destroy us from off the Earth. We have
had some Aposticy from the Church. L. E. Harrison
Wm S. Godby Henry W Lawrence Eli B. Kelsey & some
others have Been cut off from the Church for Aposticy &
they have formed themselve into a New Church the
same as other Apostates Have at different times and
they have Become spiritualist & pretend to receive rev-
. Wickedness is increasing throughout this
whole Nation & Exhertions are making to try to destroy
the kingdom of God. The Nations of the Earth are becoming
more & more fearful of the signs of the times & of the future
Events which await them. We have had peace in these
vallies since we came here as pioneers in 1847 with the
Exception of the Buchannan war which cost the nation
$40,000000 dollars & cost us 40 miles travel & Back again
we have also had some Indians wars which has cost
some lives & considerable property. The wicked of this
Nation are determined if possible to destroy, & scatter
the Saints during the year 1870 But the Saints are in the
Hands of God as they Ever have Been, & God will
defend them & fight their Battles if they will ownly be
faithful & trust in him. 1870 will be an Eventful
year in many respects. In fact Every year is Eventful
now in this fast age God has set his hand to Esstablish
Zion & his kingdom & he will accomplish in spite of
Earth & Hell, wicked men & devils He will overthrow
the wicked the, scorners, the Hipocritt, & unbeliever & save his Saints

A Synopsis of my labors in 1869 I travelled 2172 Miles I Attended 200 Meetings I Preached 83 Discourses 83 discourses I Attended 2 general Conferences 2 Conferences I Attended Prayer Circles with Presidency & 12 22 Meeting I Attended Prayer Circle with W. W. Quorum 21 Meetings Met In Council with Presidency & Twelve 5 Meetings Met with the school of the Prophets 36 days I Assisted in the organization of the school of 2 the Prophets I Attended 3 High Councils 3 H. Councils I Baptized 2 Persons 2 Baptized I Assisted in Confirming 226 Confirmed Assisted in Blessing 219 Missionaries 219 Missionaries I Attended 10 Funerals 10 Funerals I reported 12 sermons 12 sermons I spent 14 days in the Endowm[en]t 14 House Assisted in giving Endow[me]nts to 861 Persons I sealed at the Alter 305 Couple 305 Couple D. H. Wells sealed 330 Couple J F Smith sealed 119 Couple I was Baptized for 32 Dead Friends 32 Dead Phebe W Woodruff was Baptized for 12 Dead Phebe A Woodruff Snow Baptized for 16 Dead W Woodruff & Phebe W Woodruff sealed for 14 Couple W. Woodruff & Phebe A. W. Snow sealed for 11 Couple Assistindg in ordaining 11 High Priest & 12 High Council Attended the dedication of 4 Meeting 4 Houses Assisted In organizing one stake of 1 Zion Administerd unto 25 sick 25 sick Wrote 66 Letters. Received 33 Letters Blessed 3 children. Met with D A & M Society 1 y. as Presid[en]t


Browse people Wilford Woodruff mentioned on this day in his journal. Click on the person's name to view a short bio and other pages they are mentioned on or click on "View in Family Search" to view their FamilySearch profile.

Carrington, Albert
8 Jan 1813 - 19 Sep 1889
232 mentions
Young, Brigham
1 Jun 1801 - 29 Aug 1877
3470 mentions
Apostle, Family
Wells, Daniel Hanmer
27 Oct 1814 - 24 Mar 1891
802 mentions
Benson, Ezra Taft
22 Feb 1811 - 3 Sep 1869
379 mentions
Smith, George Albert
26 Jun 1817 - 1 Sep 1875
1446 mentions
Apostle, Missionary
Smith, Joseph Fielding
13 Nov 1838 - 19 Nov 1918
4145 mentions
Snow, Phebe Amelia Woodruff
4 Mar 1842 - 15 Feb 1919
346 mentions
Woodruff, Phebe Whittemore Carter
8 Mar 1807 - 10 Nov 1885
1589 mentions


Browse places mentioned in Wilford Woodruff's journal entry on this day. Click on the place names to view other pages where they are mentioned.



View selected quotes from this page in Wilford Woodruff's journal.

spirits are pure that Enter their tabernacles & there will be a chance for the redemption of all the children of Adam Expcept the Sons of perdition.
~ Brigham Young
Wickedness is increasing throughout this whole Nation & Exhertions are making to try to destroy the kingdom of God. The Nations of the Earth are becoming more & more fearful of the signs of the times & of the future Events which await them. We have had peace in these vallies since we came here as pioneers in 1847 with the Exception of the Buchannan war which cost the Nation $40,000000 dollars & cost us 40 miles travel & Back again we have also had some Indians wars which has cost some lives & considerable property. The wicked of this Nation are determined if possible to destroy & scatter the saints during the year 1870 But the Saints are in the Hands of God as they Ever have Been, & God will defend them & fight their Battles if they will ownly be faithful & trust in him. 1870 will be an Eventful year in many respects. In fact Every year is Eventful now in this fast age God has set his hand to Esstablish Zion & his Kingdom & he will accomplish in spite of Earth & Hell, wicked men & devils He will overthrow the wicked the, scorners, the Hipocritt, & unbelievers & save his Saints
~ Wilford Woodruff


View selected events in the two months surrounding this date in Wilford Woodruff's life. Click on the dates to jump to that day in Wilford Woodruff's journal.

Church membership 90,130; population of Utah Territory 86,336; population of 38 United States 39,820,000.
Utah women given the right to vote; Liberal (non-Mormon) Party formed opposing People's (Mormon) Party.

Dec 31, 1869