Day in the Life

Feb 24, 1873

Journal Entry

February 24, 1873 ~ Monday

24. It was a vary muddy day I drew lumber all day from the
Lumber yard I was in the mud & water got my feet wet & took
cold I broke 3 reaches, 2 at one load I attended a council Meet-
ing in the Evening & went home nearly sick

25 We had the Hardest snow storm last night for several winters

we had about 2 feet of snow on the ground this morning. I
had a severe cold on my lungs I went to the farm at night
25 we took a load of Grain to mill on a sled & returned to the
city we drew some lumber I went to bed sick at night, 6 m[iles]


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Discourse 1873-02-24
Elder W. Woodruff said, that while he acted under the Aaronic priesthood, as a priest, God manifested his power quite as much as since he held the Apostleship, he gave him dreams and visions &c, no matter what priesthood a man may hold, if he magnified it, God would own and bless him under it.
Discourse 1873-02-24
Elder W. Woodruff ^said^ that he did not think it wisdom to have our minds exercised about any matter that revelation was silent upon, and as to whether or not, the high priesthood was enjoyed between the time of Moses and the Saviour, did not really concern us, as we had many pressing duties that should engage our attention in preference.


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Feb 24, 1873