Day in the Life

Aug 11, 1873

Journal Entry

August 11, 1873 ~ Monday

11th Leveret is quite unwell to day but He returned to his work at 2 oclk


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Discourse 1873-08-11
Elder W. Woodruff said there was a great contrast between the laws, refered to and the Celestial law as given through the Gospel, if the eyes of the people of this City were opened, they would be more alive to their duties, and would hunger and thirst after righteos- ness. We are living under great priveleges, and have had many keys and principles pertaining to the living and the dead—he denounced the fashions of the Babylon which are so eagerly sought after by our Wives and Daughters. We have a great amount of preaching and are more or less responsible for this privelege. Many of the Elders are giving way to Smoking & Drinking &c which he was sorry to see.


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Aug 11, 1873