Day in the Life

Dec 15, 1876

Journal Entry

December 15, 1876 ~ Friday

15 I spent the day in Reading Livingston's travels in Africa up
to the time of his death and to the final resting place of his body in
the West Minster Abbey in London. This History was quit interesting


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Livingstone, David
19 Mar 1813 - 1 May 1873
2 mentions
Historical Figure, Eminent Men and Woman


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Letter to Jacob Hamblin, 15 December 1876
St George . Jacob Hamblin Dear Brother: As you pass from this city to the Colorado south look out as good a track for a wagon road as you will have time to do without stopping to go the right or the left. You are to so well ac- quainted with the country that you can be of some use to bro. Pierce who is building a ferry boat at the Colorado for crossing people; and make him acqainted with the initial points which will be beneficial to him for locating a wagon road. Then proceed south ^Easterly^ near ^to^ the west end of the Sanfrancisco mountains to what is called the Beal road; thence easterly to what is called sunset crossing on the Little Colorado river. Make minutes as near as your Judgement will admit, of distances between different points of water and feed in your travels. Draw a little map from day to day. When you return home to Kanab we would like you to take your stock and such ones of your family and friends as you would like to have with you and locate, and take possession of a litte^l^e place called "Surprise Valley," near


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Church membership reaches 115,065.

Dec 15, 1876