Day in the Life

May 4, 1877

Journal Entry

May 04, 1877 ~ Friday

4 We gave 132 Endowments mostly for the dead 53 Elders ordained
D H. Cannon sealed 48 couple mostly for the Dead. I Attended
the funeral of Miles Romney 71. I spoke at the funeral


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Cannon, David Henry
23 Apr 1838 - 24 Dec 1924
165 mentions
Romney, Miles
13 Jul 1806 - 3 May 1877

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Discourse 1877-05-04
to the funeral of Father Romney. Br Woodroof made some cheering remarks on the subgect of Death Redemption and the Resseurections and the great glory that awaited those that kept their covenant, and the surenes of Gods promises to all those who abide and do the will of the most High


View selected events in the two months surrounding this date in Wilford Woodruff's life. Click on the dates to jump to that day in Wilford Woodruff's journal.

Wilford and others finished writing down the ceremonies and temple procedures.
Wilford resigns as President of the Deseret Agricultural and Manufacturing Society after 15 years.

May 4, 1877