Day in the Life

Dec 16, 1877

Journal Entry

December 16, 1877 ~ Sunday

Dec 16 1877
Sunday A hand pointing to the right I wrote 1 Letter 64. Met in Prayer Circle at 4.

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Religious - A Vision given to Wilford Woodruff, 16 December 1877
Night of . I went to bed at my usual hour 1/2 past 9 oclock. I had been reading the revelations in the french lang- uage. My mind was calm, more so than usual if possible to be so. I composed my self for sleep but could not sleep. I felt a strange stupor come over me, & apparently became partially unconsious still I was not asleep nor awake, with a strange far a way dreamy feeling. The first that I recognize was that I was in the Tabernacle at Ogden, sitting on the back seat in the corner, for fear thety should call me to preach, which after singing the second time they did by calling me to the stand I arose to speak. I said I did not know that I had anything special to say except to bear my testimony to the truth of the Latter day work, when all at once it seamed as though I was lifted out of myself and I said yes I have something to say it is this, some of my brethren present have been asking me what is comi- ng to pass. What is the wind blowing up I will answer you right here, what is coming to pass shortley. I was immediately in Salt Lake City wondering about the streets in all parts of the city, and on the door of every house I found a badge of mourning, and I could not find a house but what was in mourning. I passed by my own house and saw the same sign there, & I asked the question is that me that is dead something gave answer no, you will live through it all, it seemed strange to me that I saw no person on the street in my wandering through the City. They seemed to be in their houses with their sick and dead. I saw no funeral prossesions, or anything of that kind but the city looked verry still & quiet over


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Dec 16, 1877