Day in the Life

May 6, 1879

Journal Entry

May 06, 1879 ~ Tuesday

6. I felt Better this morning with the assistance of two men I walked
2 rods to John W Youngs tent drank some gruel & Broth and
my strength began to return, my Pains began to lessen in
my head and system and I gained some strength I walked
back to my tent with the assistance of one man & slept some in the night


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Young, John Willard
1 Oct 1844 - 11 Feb 1924
328 mentions


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May 4, 1879 ^[FIGURES]^ was taken with great Pain in my stomach & Bowels which soon terminated in a Deadly attack of the Billious Cramp Cholic Brother John W Young Lewis and Wakeland worked over me all night I had 10 attacks of the cramp in the stomach during the night with such severity that it took away my Breath & was ownly restored to me by the laying on of hands and prayers the last attack was about daylight & came ner killing me Nature could not have stood another attack of the same violence without taking my life But through the mercy of God and the administration of the Elder my life was saved
~ Wilford Woodruff

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Daybook (28 February - 23 October 1879)
6. with the assistance of two men I walked 2 rods to John W Young tent, drank some gruel & Mullen Broth, and fy [my] strength some returning I set up in an Easy chair part of the day and the bed the rest of the time. My pains began to Lessen in my head & system & gained some strength I walked Back to my tent with the assistance of one Man & slept quite comfortable

May 6, 1879