Day in the Life

Aug 28, 1879

Journal Entry

August 28, 1879 ~ Thursday

Aug 28 Keys crossed A crown A great Day in Islata the streets were
crouded at an Early hour with Islatas Mexican and
Americans. Our room was in the midst of it the two
Lagoonie chiefs were with us the feast or wake continued
through the day Drinking, gambling, feasting &c the people
Began to dispers before sundown but it was 10 oclok before
they broak up


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Daybook (28 February - 23 October 1879)
Aug 28 1879 [FIGURE] A great Day in Islatas the streets are crowded on evry hand with Isletus Mexicans & Americans. Our room was in the midst of it. The feast or wake contin- ued through the day gambling Drinking feasting &c we saw the performance of Jimnastics the people Began to depart Before sundown but it was 10 oclok before they Broake up

Aug 28, 1879