Day in the Life

Sep 3, 1879

Journal Entry

September 03, 1879 ~ Wednesday

3 We left Savoy with Br Tenney and wife & child and Br
Christoffer and Drove through Zuny village and nooned
A single key with teeth to the right A single key with teeth to the right and while taking Dinner Palopeno An aged Andian
who had been baptized and ordained an Elder A Zuny
who though the lies of Catholic Priest had turned against us
and become a perscutor of those of the village who were
faithful He came to our camp with several others and did
not know us untill He saw Br Tenney then it seemed
as though he would faint Brother Tenney shook hands
with him and invited him and his company to eat dinner
with us which he did they got off from their Dunkey & came
and sat down and Eat with us Br Tenney told him

who I was but the Devil was at work with him and he
would not speak to me but held his head Down, he eat
Bread & Butter and sugar and when He got through he got
onto his borough (Dunkee) and rode off slouw a dozen
rods & he stoped turned around & rode back jumped off
from his Donkey & run up to me & shook me hartily by
the hand and we had a good talk. He said the Devil had
tempted him, but the Lord had sent him there and he did
not know what for, but now he knew he was glad to see
me he had herd of me through the country He called me his
Father and was glad I had come, he always wanted to be
my Friend and the friend of our people. He was a changed
man and I was satisfied the Lord sent him to me. We all
parted good friends and we all went our way rejoicing
we drove till dark & camped 40 Miles


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Tenney, Ammon Meshach
16 Nov 1844 - 28 Oct 1925
4 mentions
Native American


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Daybook (28 February - 23 October 1879)
3 We left savoy with Br Tenney & wife & child & Br Christofferson & Drove through Zuny village & Nooned & while taking dinner Palopeno, an [FIGURES] Aged Indian who had Been Baptized & ord[ain]ed an Elder a Zuny who through the lies of priests and others had turned against us & become a persecutor He came to our camp with several Indians & did not know us untill He saw Brother Tenney then it seemed as though He would faint But Br Teney shook hands with him invited him & his company
Daybook (28 February - 23 October 1879)
To take dinner they got off from their Donkies and came & eat with us & Br Tenney told him who I was But the Devil was at work with him & He would not look at me and He got onto his Donkey & left apparantly mad when He had got 30 yards the spirit of the Lord Broke him down He came back to me and took me by the hand & we had a good talk He said the Devil had Tempted him, but the Lord had sent him there & He did not know what for, But now He knew He was glad to see me He called me his Father and was glad I had come He always wanted to be my Friend and the friend of our people He was a changed man and I was satisfied the Lord sent him to me we all parted inas good friends and we all went our way rejoiceing. We drove till dark & camped distance of the Day 40 M

Sep 3, 1879