Day in the Life

Oct 12, 1879

Journal Entry

October 12, 1879 ~ Sunday

12 Sunday I met at 11 oclok Br Nelson Prayed W W spoke 30 M[inutes]
Moses Curtis 10 M, Br Bloomfield 17, Lot Smith 10 M
In the Afternoon I attended a Priesthood Meeting

The word of wisdom was spoken upon Tobaco, liquor,
coffee, tea &c was dwelt upon


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Daybook (28 February - 23 October 1879)
12. Sunday I met at 11 {shorthand} Br Neilson Prayed W W spoke 30 M[inutes], Moses Curtis 10, Br Bloomfield 17 Lot Smith 10. In the Afternoon I attended a priesthood Meeting the word of wisdom was spoken off [of] Tobaco Liquer, coffee tea &c was spoken off since I was sick at Moen- coppy I had been using coffee in the Morning I made up my mind to use no more

Oct 12, 1879