22 We drove 12 miles found water on the East side of the
valley in a hollow in the side of a hill it was cold & good
a living spring we watered our animals then drove over
a rough sand ridge and camped in about a mile of the
Oribe village and took our team to the Oribe well to water
the well stands under the Mountain South west of the
village the well was 670 feet Deep and 100 feet across the
top it was walled up with 4 square tarries of stones and
the water 10 feet across the Bottom a steep trail leading down
from top to Bottom from the last terrace there is 15 stone
stepts to the Bottom when I arived at the well I found an
[FIGURE] Ass or donkey had walked down to the stone steps
looking down into the water and Braying for some
one to come & watering him his call was louder than
any animal but an ass could make. I took my bucket
and carryed him several Buckets of water which he
drank greedily and when He was satisfied, He bowed
his head as much as to say thank you sir, and went off
happy we watered our team returned to the waggon & camped 25 M[iles]
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we watered our animals then drove over a rough sand ridge and camped in about a mile of the Oribe village and took our team to the Oribe well to water the well stands under the Mountain South west of the village the well was 670 feet Deep and 100 feet across the top it was walled up with 4 square tarries of stones and the water 10 feet across the Bottom a steep trail leading down from top to Bottom from the last terrace there is 15 stone stepts to the Bottom when I arived at the well I found an [FIGURE] Ass or Donkey had walked down to the stone steps looking down into the water and Braying for some one to come & watering him his call was louder than any animal but an ass could make. I took my bucket and carryed him several Buckets of water which he drank greedily and when He was satisfied, He bowed his head as much as to say thank you sir and went off happy we watered our team returned to the waggon & camped 25 M[iles]
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