Day in the Life

Oct 26, 1879

Journal Entry

October 26, 1879 ~ Sunday

26 We started at 6 oclok Drove 8 mils camped by a good spring of
water & took breakfast then drove on Met Polaki on the way returning
home from his trading tour loaded with raw hides & sundries Br Brook-
found his 4 oxen that had strayed from Moancoppy & he

took them onto Sunset. we drove over a good Deal of good land if there
had been water to water it. we visited the coal vein 10 feet thick in
a Bluff about 10 miles from the Moquis villages. we travelled over a
good country for a road to day, no road made ownly a trail no waggon
had been over it we followed the great Navajoe trail the ownly obstr-
uction we had was a great clay ridge about 12 miles north of
Sunset. This was the worst place to drive a waggon down I ever
saw. we went down a vary steep Bluff into a wash below it was
a vary dangerous operation but accomplished it successfully & drove to
Sunset and spent the night 30 Mils


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50 mentions
Polacca, Tom
bef. 1861-1911
10 mentions
Native American


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Daybook (24 October 1879 - 31 January 1881)
26. we started at 6 oclok & drove 8 Miles & camped By a good spring of water & took breakfast then drove & Met Polaka on his return home from his trading tour loaded with raw Hydss & sundries Brother Brockbank found his 4 oxen that had strayed from Moan coppy and He took them onto Sunset we drove over a good Deal of good land oif theire had been water we visited the coal vain in a bluff about 10 Miles from the Moquis villages from 2 to 10 feet which we travelled over a good country for a road to day but No waggons had been over it we followed the great Navajoe trail the ownly obstruction we had was a great clay ridge about 12 Miles North of Sunset. This was the worst place to drive a waggon I ever was in we went down a vary steep Bluff unto a wash we finally came to a perpendicular descent of 12 feet then had to cross a high ridge vary steep then go down a vary steep rocky cliff which was dangerous to both Man & beast But we got Down safely and drove to Sunset 30 Miles

Oct 26, 1879