Day in the Life

Nov 1, 1879

Journal Entry

November 01, 1879 ~ Saturday

Nov 1, 1879 We held a Meeting at Woodruff on the subjct of Building
a Dam across the little Colorado at that place to take the water out
after we gave our views about the construction of the dam a comm
ittee of construction was appointed viz, Lorenzo Hatch Oscar Mann
& Noah Brimhall, Horace Russell & James Dean. A committee
of three was also appointed to prize the work done on the old Dam
who were Oscar Mann Ole Jenson & Horris Russell The first
committee desided to build a dam on the old site and use what
is built. Agreed to allow $1.50 per day for men $1.50 for team &
waggon $1 for team & 50 cts for waggon Agreed to allow young
15 acres, man & wife 20 Acres and then grade families according
to numbers. The committee prised the dam $100 & $100 for them
who staid to keep the place. Three of the company who built
half of the dam agreed to give it to the company for the first choice
of the Lots as they wished to cooperate together this was agreed
to & the Meeting closed


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Legal - In the Matter of the Estate of President Brigham Young, 1 November 1879
Be it known unto all men unto whom this instrument shall come: That George Q. Cannon, and Brigham Young. Executors and Trustees of the Will of the late President Brigham Young having at our request and by our counsel and decision as the Council of the Twelve Apostles of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, paid over out of the Estate of the late President Brigham Young to the Church through the Trustee-in-Trust thereof the sum of nine hundred and ninety nine thousand six hundred and thirty two dollars and ninety cents ($999632 90/100) due the Church from the estate of the late President Brigham Young less three hundred thousand ($300000 00) allowed him for services rendered. We the Trustee-in Trust of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and his Counselors being also members of the Council of the Twelve Apostles, pledge ourselves and our successors in office for and on behalf of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints to defend them ^and such of their Bondsmen who are not heirs of the said Estate^ for this action in all courts of Law and Equity and all escclesiastical courts and to fully indemnify them, their private Estates, their heirs and assigns for any expense or loss they may be put to or sustain in consequence of this action of theirs in paying this amount from the estate of the late President Brigham Young to the Church. In witness whereof we have here- unto set our hands and seals this tenth day of April A.D. one thousand eight
Daybook (24 October 1879 - 31 January 1881)
Nov 1, 1879 we held a Meeting at Woodruff on the subject of Building the dam in the Colorado at that place to take the water out after we gave our views about the construction of the Dam a committee of construction was appointed viz Lorenzo Hatch Oscar Mann, Noah Brimhall, Horace Russell & James Dean A committee of three was also appointed to prize the work done on the old Dam who were Oscar Mann Ole Jenson & Horrice Russell The first committee Decided to Build the dam on the old site & use what is built agreed to allow $1.50 cts per day for Men $1.50 for team & wagon $1 for teams & 50 cts for waggon agreed to allow young Men 15 Acres Man & wife 20 Acres and then grade families according to Number
Daybook (24 October 1879 - 31 January 1881)
The committee of 3 to prize the Dam brought in $100 for the Dam & $100 for those who staid to keep the place, 3 of the Men who had built one half the dam agreed to give it to the company for the privilege of having the first choic of the Land as they wished to cooperate together this was agreed upon & the Meeting closed


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Church membership 135,000; Utah Territory 143,963; population of 38 United States 50,190,000.

Nov 1, 1879