Day in the Life

Nov 17, 1879

Journal Entry

November 17, 1879 ~ Monday

17 A cold morning the coldest of the season I spent the day reading History

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Letter to John Taylor, 7 November 1879
Sunset Apache Co Arizona Nov 7 [18]79 President John Taylor Dear Brother Your welcome letter of Oct 24 Is before me. I wrote to Brother Snow yesterday and also to Brother Tenney asking him to see what He obtains the Main water & land of that place for. A Jew by the Name of Barth owns it or has the sale of it. Br Tenney bought it last season. Most of the water and land engaged it for $8000 dollars but He had no backing at the time none to help pay for it and He gave it up It should be bought by some one before a company goes there or that they know a company is intending to buy it, for in the case thy understood that, they would want to Double the price Br Tenney being well acquainted with the parties is the Most suitable man in my judgement to make
Daybook (24 October 1879 - 31 January 1881)
17. A cold Morning the coldest of the season I spent the day reading the world History


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Church membership 135,000; Utah Territory 143,963; population of 38 United States 50,190,000.

Nov 17, 1879