Day in the Life

Nov 25, 1879

Journal Entry

November 25, 1879 ~ Tuesday

25 A crown A hand pointing to the right I wrote 3 letters to day one to John Taylor of
6 pages concerning what we had done in purchaseing
St John and taking Possession of the Meadows and sent
an Extract of Br Tenneys letter I retained a copy. I also
wrote to Br Jaques I asked him to read Br Smiths letter of
14 Pages an account of my visit to the 7 villages
I ordained Thomas Walter Brookbank to the office of a
seventy and set him apart to his mission to the Lamanites

He with Brother Ira Hatch went from Sunset this Morning


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Tenney, Ammon Meshach
16 Nov 1844 - 28 Oct 1925
Jaques, John
7 Jan 1827 - 1 Jun 1900
Taylor, John, b. 1808
1 Nov 1808 - 25 Jul 1887
1964 mentions
Smith, Lot
15 May 1830 - 21 Jun 1892
365 mentions
50 mentions


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Letter to John Taylor, 25 November 1879
President John Taylor: Dear Brother As soon as I receivd your letter concern- ing St. Johns and the Meadows, I wrote immediately to Brother Tenney to go and purchase St. John if he could. And on Saturday night, at the Sheep-herd Spring in the Mountains, some 40 miles from Sunset, I received a letter from Brother Tenney upon the subject; the follow- ing is an extract. ("On the evening of the 14th I received your letter, and according to your request, I started for St. John in pursuit of the object this morn- ing about 9 o'clock. I have signed my name to a bargain; thus buying the entire right of water, ditch, and land, (except 2 1/2 acres situated upon the east side of the river, in the edge of the town:) Commencing at the bridge— (including the bridge)—and running down the River, for the sum of (750)— Seven hundred and fifty head of cows; I thought I would stay at the Spring until the 25th. I went to bed at 10 o'clock, awoke at 12 with my mind deeply exercised; and my monitor said to me; "aArise tarry not at this place. Go to Sunset. Direct Bro Tenney to close this fa[water damage to paper] and secure the Meadows without delay, for the enemy is on the alert." So I awoke awoke my messenger who brought me the letter. We made our fire, got our breakfast and took our carriage and drove 40 miles to Sunset, over a rough rocky country a part of the way. We arrived about 7 o'clock. I counselled with Lot Smith, and yesterday I wrote a letter to Ammon M. Tenney to go immediately and close this bargain, and secure the 2 1/2 acres if possible. Buy out the whole place if possible; so that the Jews or Gentiles should not have a hold among them. And this morning we sent 4 men, fitted out as missionaries from Sunset and Brigham City and have called for one from Saint Joseph and 4 from Snow Flake to join them and go direct to Bro. Greer's—who is on the meadows, and to get all they can to
Daybook (24 October 1879 - 31 January 1881)
25 [FIGURES] I wrote 3 Letters to day one to John Taylor of 6 pages concerning the lot we had Done about Purchasing St SJohn, & taking Possession of the Colorado Meadows, I sent an extract of Brother Tenneys Letter I left a copy of his letter I also wrote a half sheet to Br Jaques I asked him to read Br Smiths Letter I wrote a Letter to Elias Smith of 14 pages giving amount of my visit to the 7 villages of the Oribas & Moquis gave a history of their Localism and customs oI ordained Br Thomas Walter Brookbank to the office of a Seventy and set him apart to his Mission asto the Lamanites He with Brother Ira Hatch went from Sunset this Morning & Br [blank]


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Church membership 135,000; Utah Territory 143,963; population of 38 United States 50,190,000.

Nov 25, 1879