Day in the Life

Mar 13, 1880

Journal Entry

March 13, 1880 ~ Saturday

13 An arrow We arose at 2 oclok fed horses made a fire but we
were so chilled we could not get warm. We started to travel
at 4 oclok we travelled 15 miles to Cottonwood Springs [bathed] &
got Breakfast we then drove to St George I met with many
Friends and a warm reception I drove to Brother McAllister
and found him sick with his old complaint bleeding of the nose
the Artery that goes from the heart passing up the left side of
the nose to the brain had made a side opening and a little exertion
started the Blood and He came near bleeding to death and it
weakened him greatly. I then visited Erastus Snow He asked
me to stoped with him so we did toat the big house and put up for
the night and glad to get to a stoping place to thaw out 40 Miles


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Snow, Erastus
9 Nov 1818 - 27 May 1888
701 mentions
McAllister, John Daniel Thompson
19 Feb 1827 - 21 Jan 1910
663 mentions


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Daybook (24 October 1879 - 31 January 1881)
13. we arose at 2 oclok mad a fire fed Horses started to travel at 4 oclok it was exceding cold our water thoyd & cam solid and we were all chilled throgh we travelled 15 miles to cotton wood spring [Bated] & got Breakfast we then Drove to St George I met with my friends and Met with a warm reception I drove to Br McAllister I found him sick abed with his old complaint of Bleeding at the Nose the Artery that goes from the Heart parting up the left side of the nose to the Brain had made a side opening and a very little exertion started the Blood to flow & He had Bled so much it weakened him I then visited Erastus Snow & He asked me to stop with him so we drove to the big Home & put up for the night Distance of the day 40 M[iles]
Discourse 1880-03-13
Apostle W Woodruff expressed his plea- sure at again meeting with the people of St George, seeing the Temple feels that the last year has been spent in one of the most interesting mission of his life. Discoursed on the responsibil ities which rest upon the Elders in Israel. We all need the spirit of the Almighty to aid us in bearing our re- sponsiblities. There is a great change


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Wilford receives Wilderness Revelation regarding God's defense of the patriarchal law of marriage.

Mar 13, 1880