Day in the Life

Mar 30, 1883

Journal Entry

March 30, 1883 ~ Friday

30 A cool morning I read a letter from Nellie Woodruff
A hand pointing to the right At Ashleys fork giving an account of 2 Men killing
an Animal in the country sumthing of the Panther kind
that measured 9 feet in length 3 1/2 feet high & weighed 200 lbs
it was shot with 17 Balls Before it died it was consid[ere]d
the largest Animal of the kind Ever killed in the Rocky
. I wrote ^2^ Letter to Henry and Nellie
Woodruff and Phebe Scholes


Browse people Wilford Woodruff mentioned on this day in his journal. Click on the person's name to view a short bio and other pages they are mentioned on or click on "View in Family Search" to view their FamilySearch profile.

Woodruff, Emma Manella
4 Jul 1860 - 30 Nov 1905
245 mentions
Woodruff, Henry Azmon
20 May 1855 - 2 Feb 1939
141 mentions
Saville, Phebe Carter Scholes
6 Oct 1862 - 29 Nov 1926
115 mentions


Browse places mentioned in Wilford Woodruff's journal entry on this day. Click on the place names to view other pages where they are mentioned.

Mar 30, 1883