Day in the Life

Jun 29, 1884

Journal Entry

June 29, 1884 ~ Sunday

June 29, 1884
Sunday I Attended Meeting at 2 oclok Lorenzo Young
Prayed John Q Cannon spoke 15 M[inutes], gave an account
of his Mission to JGermany & switzerland. W Woodruff
30 M, & John Taylor 30. We met in prayer circle


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Taylor, John, b. 1808
1 Nov 1808 - 25 Jul 1887
1968 mentions
Young, Lorenzo Dow
19 Oct 1807 - 21 Nov 1895
124 mentions


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Discourse 1884-06-29
In the Tabernacle, Salt Lake City, Sunday Afternoon, , 1884. REPORTED BY JOHN IRVINE MISSIONARY LABORS REVIEWED—TESTIMONY GAINED—PREDICTIONS FULFILLED—CONDITION OF THE WORLD—PROSPECTS OF THE SWISS AND GERMAN MISSION—CLASS OF MEN SELECTED BY THE LORD FOR HIS WORK—RESTORATION OF THE GOSPEL—THE PRIESTHOOD NECESSARY—HOW IT WAS RESTORED—ANCIENT PROPHECIES CONCERNING THE LATTER-DAY WORK—WHY THE SAINTS ARE HATED—PERSECUTION PREDICTED—POLITICAL ASPECT—REVELATION NECESSARY—DISTINCTION BETWEEN THE HOLY GHOST AND THE SPIRIT GIVEN TO EVERY MAN—TRUE EDUCATION—HOW JOSEPH SMITH AND ORSON PRATT OBTAINED THEIRS—HOW ABRAHAM AND MOSES WERE TAUGHT—ACTION OF CONGRESS CONSIDERED. Elder John Q. Cannon said: My brethren and sisters and friends, it is with feelings which I am utterly unable to express that I stand before you this afternoon—feelings on the one hand of gratitude to my Heav- enly Father, that after an absence of nearly three years from this city I am again permitted to meet with my brethren and sisters in this place, and with feelings on the other hand of intense timidity in standing be- fore so large an audience. But I rely, my brethren and sisters, upon your faith and prayers during the few moments that I may stand before you, and I rely, furthermore, upon the promise which our Lord gave, when He said, "Where two or three have gathered together in my name, there I am in the midst of them." [Matthew 18:20] I am satisfied, on my own part, that we, this afternoon have assembled ourselves in the name of the Lord, and I am consequently satisfied that His Spirit will be with us inasmuch as we seek for the same, inasmuch as we rid ourselves of every feeling of worldliness and come together with pure hearts to partake of the emblems of the death and suffering of our Lord, and to become in- structed in the plan which He has laid down for our salvation. It four days since I returned from a mission, and in six weeks it will have been three years since I left this city, in obedience to a call made upon me by the authorities of the Church. On the 9th of August, 1881, I left this city on a mission to Great Britain, in company with eleven other missionaries, who were destined for Scandinavia. We


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Jun 29, 1884