Day in the Life

Dec 31, 1884

Journal Entry

December 31, 1884 ~ Wednesday

31. I took cars Rode to Smithfield & spent the night 105 M.
I looked over my Journal and a synopsis of my
labors will be found on the following Page

Thus Ends the year of 1884 And the year 1885 opens
upon us with the combined Effort of the Republican Party
united with the Governor, Judges, Marshals, and all government
officers to persecute & Prosicute the Saints and drive them
to the wall as fast as they can Before the Dimocratts come
into Power so as to force the Dimocratts to follow in the
same Channel there never has been a more united &
determined Effort made for our destruction since the
organization of the Church than now but we still say
the Lord reigns & will reign untill he puts Evry Enemy
under his feet there is none of the Presidency or Twelve
or any leading Men who are in Poligamy I think that
1885 will prove a vary Eventful year with Both Zion
& Babylon & Zion is in trouble to day Babylon will be to
Morrow. The judgments of God await this Nation and
the wrath of God will rest upon our Enemies I am a
wanderer from home with Anoth[er] Apostle George Teasdale
because of my religion but it is not the first time that
I have been wandering in the wilderness for the gospels
sake May the Lord Deliver his saints & protect his
anointed is the Earnest Pray[er] of Wilford Woodruff


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Teasdale, George
8 Dec 1831 - 9 Jun 1907
716 mentions
Apostle, Missionary


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Dec 31, 1884