Day in the Life

Feb 7, 1885

Journal Entry

February 07, 1885 ~ Saturday

7 This is the place whare I spent several week in 1879
we drove down the virgin River 18 miles oposite
the virgin Hill & Nooned we crossed the River many times

We saw many Geese & Duck we passed over the
Virgin Hill the hardest Hill I Ever passed with a
waggon Except at Lees Ferry we found one place
that was 3 feet perpendicular rock we had to take
the Horses of[f] the carriage and Jump the Horses up & roll the
carriage up by hand we then crossed the Ranch 12 mile to Overton
on the Muddy This is in Nevada which our Brethren
left many years ago it is a vary rich valley of land
well waterd and the Saints are Begining to occupy it
again we stoped for the night with Bishop Isaiah Cox
He owns 330 Acres of land Bought from the State 30 miles


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Feb 7, 1885