Day in the Life

Jul 28, 1885

Journal Entry

July 28, 1885 ~ Tuesday

28 We drove to Parawan & spent the Night with Brother
Marsden Distance of the day 35 Mils


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Letter from Asahel Hart Woodruff, 28 July 1885
Dear Father. I feel disposed to write you a few lines this mor- ning having a little leisure time on my hands. It is now over one month since I received a letter from you and I am inclined to think that one must have ben lost as it is unusual for so long a time to elapse between your letters. My last was written on July 10th which I trust you have recieved by this time. The weather has ben remarkabely dry here this season there having fell but very little rain for the past three months and the roads resemble ours in Utah so far as dust is concerned, which is some- thing unusual as you must know for the green lanes of England
Daybook (2 July 1885 - 26 May 1887)
28 we dr[o]ve to Paraw[a]n & sp[e]nt the n[i]ght with Wm Marsden 35 M[iles] Dist[an]ce of the day 35 M[iles] traveled up to [this] date 456 {shorthand}

Jul 28, 1885