Day in the Life

Jul 31, 1886

Journal Entry

July 31, 1886 ~ Saturday

31. Keys crossed A crown An arrow A strange thing took place to day yesterday
we passed Sam Gilsons Ranch There was 2 of
Gilsons sons & 2 of Wm Jennings sons together they are
considered about Equil Br Colwell asked them ab[ou]t
the road down the canyon they said the road down
the canyon could not be travelled it was washed
out they started for the waggon to see what was in
it Br Caldwell drove on & Left then we
all felt impressed to go down the canyon we
did so the Main road went over the Hills Had
we taken that road we should have Met Sam
Gilsom & 4 men who were on his way to his
ranch Had we met the consequence is not known

we drove to Salina & spent the night with Bishop
Jens Jensen distance of the day 25 Miles


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Jensen, Jens
13 mentions
Caldwell, Thomas Jefferson
17 Jul 1844 - 2 Dec 1929
Jennings, William
13 Sep 1823 - 4 Jan 1886


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Daybook (2 July 1885 - 26 May 1887)
31 We Drove 25 Down the Salina Canyon had we gone over the Mountain we should have Met Sam Gilsom & Ferrone the sergen Generl & 2 other Men It was a Happy Esscape we Drove to
Daybook (2 July 1885 - 26 May 1887)
Bishop Jens Jenson who received us very friendly Distance 25 M[iles]

Jul 31, 1886