Day in the Life

Aug 7, 1886

Journal Entry

August 07, 1886 ~ Saturday

7. we had a rain through the night & some this
morning we left this morning at 9 ocllk
we missed the road & went to Tokerville & crossed
the Hills to grape vine spring ba[c]k again we
Lost 6 miles in this operation we broke our
king bolt put in a wooden & broke that &
bought an Iron one at Harressburgh & which
^put^ an end to the trouble We arived at St Gerge at
9 oclock and stoped with John & Emma Squire whare
we spent the Night I slept in the same bed whare I had
slept for 6 months last year distance of the day 30 M


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Daybook (2 July 1885 - 26 May 1887)
7 We had a rain through the night & some this Morning we Left at 9 oclok & started for St George We missed the road & went to tokerville & had to go back over the Hill to Grape Vine spring went out of our way some 6 Miles we Broak our king bolt & cut a Line out [shorter] & made a pin which lasted untill we got to Harrisburgh that brok & Br Glines bought another king bolt but it lasted us 2
Daybook (2 July 1885 - 26 May 1887)
Hours we ar[ive]d at St George at Dusk We stoped with John & Emma Squires

Aug 7, 1886