Day in the Life

Apr 2, 1887

Journal Entry

April 02, 1887 ~ Saturday

2 A folded letter/box I received 1 Letter from Jesse N Smith we rode to Atkinvill
and went to pond caught 2 chub I caught the first of the season
we shot at a good Many Ducks & ownly got one I was weary at night 8 [miles].


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Smith, Jesse Nathaniel
2 Dec 1834 - 5 Jun 1906


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I was sealed to day at the Altar in the Temple for 37 couple of Dead friends total in the two days 73 couple I find I have still after this date 265 more dead friends to get Endowments fo[r] to finish up my record for 3200 souls for my Father & Mothers House for the Woodruff Hart & Thompson families. it has been among the most pleasing and important Labor of my life to accomplish this work
~ Wilford Woodruff

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Letter to John Taylor and George Quayle Cannon, 2 April 1887
St. George, Utah, . Presidents John Taylor and George Q. Cannon, Dear Brethren, I write to say that on the receipt of your letter concerning A. M. Tenney, I worte to him, and I received no answer for a long time, and I was afraid the letter was stopped at St Johns, but I finally received a letter from him saying that he had received my letter and immediately wrote to me. But I never received his letter until his second letter of March 5th. I thought it wisdom to forward you his letter, as you will see his poverty, also the names he has sent for approval. The men he has named are Spanish Scholars, and I think would be able missionaries among the Lamanites, if they meet your approval. It appears to me that the time has come when we ought to turn the attention of our missionary labor more to the House of Joseph than we have done, as you say "the Gentiles are fast rejecting the Gospel" and as they are rejecting it, the Spirit of God seems to be moving more upon the Lamanites to re- ceive it. Brother Milton S. Ray is now in


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Apr 2, 1887