Day in the Life

Oct 25, 1887

Journal Entry

October 25, 1887 ~ Tuesday

25 I rode to the office & Met in council & spent the whole day
in council I signed 30 Recommends I received 47 letter
A hand pointing to the right 30 Public & 17 Private John W Young occupied a good
Deal of the time to day


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Young, John Willard
1 Oct 1844 - 11 Feb 1924
328 mentions


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Letter from George John Taylor, 25 October 1887
President Wilford Woodruff and Council of the Apostles Dear Brethern: Having been informed that the al- lowance received by the late President John Taylor, ceased at the time he took up his residence at the Gardo House, and that in lieu thereof an arrangement was made by which the church assumed the family expenses, including taxes &c. and Being now in receipt of notices for the tax year ending, Oct 31, 1887 also a bill from Dr Anderson for: professional services during Presidents Taylor's last illness, We are in doubt as to wheather it is incumbent upon us to pay these bills or wheather, as heretofore they should be,
Letter from Karl Gottfried Maeser, 25 October 1887
Provo City, Utah, President Wilford Woodruff. Dear Brother, Your kind letter of Oct. 18, containing an Or- der of $50000 ton the Bishop's Agent at Provo, was received last Friday, and to say that I appreciate most grate- fully your kindness and consideration for my welfare, but very feebly expresses my feelings in regard to it. Although the course of action, indicated to us by the Spirit of God and the appointment by the proper authorities, needs no other encourage- ment besides the consciousness of faithful en- deavor in the performance of our duties, the approval and manifestations of confidence of the servants of God placed over us come upon us like bursts of bright sunlight, and are steppingstones to a higher level of increased activity. My thanks to you and to the bretheren of the Council of the Twelve I shall make it my study to express more by that which I shall endeavor to do in the future than by
Letter from Thomas Edwin Ricks, 25 October 1887
Rexburg, Idaho, . Pres. Wilford Woodruff, Dear Bro. I arrived home safe from Conference on the 21st inst. travelling all the way by team found all well everything quiet. Blackfoot Court sits next Monday are expecting a visit from the marshalls about that time. I received yours of the 18th inst with order enclosed for $100000 in produce for which you have my thanks. We think it would do a great deal of good to have some of the apostles or seventies that are at liberty travel through our Stake as we are unable to appear in public Would be pleased to hear from you at any time on any subject and will strive to carry out any instructions you may be pleased to give Your Bro etc. T E Ricks


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Oct 25, 1887