Day in the Life

Nov 1, 1887

Journal Entry

November 01, 1887 ~ Tuesday

Nov 1, 1887 I signed 11 Recommends, I received 12 Letters
A hand pointing to the right I wrote 10 Letters 6 Public 4 Private I wrote to Bishop Tingey
to A. Carrington, to T. O. Angel, C. H. Wheelock


Browse people Wilford Woodruff mentioned on this day in his journal. Click on the person's name to view a short bio and other pages they are mentioned on or click on "View in Family Search" to view their FamilySearch profile.

Carrington, Albert
8 Jan 1813 - 19 Sep 1889
232 mentions
Wheelock, Cyrus H.
28 Feb 1813 - 11 Oct 1894
Angell, Truman Osborn (Jr.)
27 Feb 1852 - 10 Apr 1933

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Letter from William Paxman, 1 November 1887
Mangapai . President Wilford Woodruff and Presiding Authorities Dear Beloved Brethren: Under the Divine blessings of God we are preserved in health to again address a few lines to you. And in doing so a fervent prayer ascends to God our Eternal Father that they may find you in the enjoyment of perfect health, and every blessing necessary for you to enjoy, to fit you for your great responsibilities and arduous labors. As also a sincere wish for your freedom and prosperity. Realizing, to some extent, how eagerly your movements are watched by the enemies of God's Kingdom. Realizing also how wonderfully you have been preserved in the past. We feel sure it would be very gratifying to you if you could hear the many fervent and earnest prayers that are offered up to the Throne of Grace, by our dusky friends all over the Island, for God to bless, sustain and preserve you. For they, the Maories, have great reverence and love for the Prophets and Apostles of God living upon the Earth to day. We have had translated into the Maori language the communication from Prest. Woodruff to the Saints of God throughout the world of August last. And it has been read to the Saints and caused them to rejoice. Feeling to acknowledge the hand of God in taking unto Himself our departed
Letter from Joseph Henry Dean, 1 November 1887
[end of sideways text] Honolulu, Nov. 1, 1887. To Pres. Wilford Woodruff and Geo. Q. Cannon Dear Brethren Your kind favor of Sept. 19th, in answer to my letter to Bro. Franklin D. Richards, concerning my going to the Samoan Islands, reached me on Oct. 2nd. Your consenting to my taking a native Hawaiian and also provid- ing means for our transportation is very pleasing to me, and the whole tone of your letter makes me feel that you have confidence in my ability and integrity which strengthens my courage to undertake the mission. During the last two weeks I have obtained quite an amt. of valuable information concerning those islands which I hasten to communicate. During Gibson's reign here a scheme was concocted by him (not a new one to him by any means) of consolida- ting the Pacific Islands into one confederation under, Kalakaua. A small steamer was purchased and
Letter from George Teasdale, 12 November 1887
President Wilford Woodruff, Dear Brother: Your favor of the 10th ult came safe to hand and was read with much interest. There were 20 missionaries arrived here on the 4th inst and by Tuesday 8th all had left for their fields of labor. We had a very interesting meeting with them on the night of their arrival. The next day all who were appointed to the Swiss and German and Scandinavian Missions left Liverpool. The others who were for the british mission left on Saturday and Monday. As the arrivals and appointments are published in the "Star" I need say nothing furthur. I have not received any more communications from Prest Schoenfeldt. I send you two commu- nications I have received from Elders F. F. Hintze and Jno W. F. Volker that I think you will be interested in and hope you will have the Elders sent who are needed. It was unfortunate to send P. W. Stam. He has written to me desiring to return home. I gave him the privilege as far as I was concerned but told him he would have to pay his own expenses. President Ballard of the London Conference wrote me ask- ing if I could spare brother Roberts to help them in London as they were expecting trouble from Jarman. So three weeks ago I let Bro R go to London where he has been laboring ever since


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Nov 1, 1887