Day in the Life

Nov 7, 1887

Journal Entry

November 07, 1887 ~ Monday

7 A hand pointing to the right I wrote to G. Q. C. & Jaques I spent the day at
the house oiled Harness moved stable petition put up grain

A folded letter/box Keys crossed Nov 8, 1887
Two years ago to night I visited Phebe & found her vary [blank]
I received 8 Letters and started at 5 oclok to visit Brother Matson
at the Mouth of Provo river in company with Emma Br Bateman
& Wilkin we arived at Br Madsons at Noom & the Breth[ren] took
thare guns and went out to shoot ducks I got one
Brothers Solomons & Birt came by rail the whole company got about
20 Ducks Emma went to Provo and spent the night with Clara


Browse people Wilford Woodruff mentioned on this day in his journal. Click on the person's name to view a short bio and other pages they are mentioned on or click on "View in Family Search" to view their FamilySearch profile.

Beebe, Clara Martisha Woodruff
23 Jul 1868 - 29 Dec 1927
419 mentions
Woodruff, Emma Smith
1 Mar 1838 - 6 Mar 1912
1039 mentions
Cannon, George Quayle
11 Jan 1827 - 12 Apr 1901
2295 mentions
Jaques, John
7 Jan 1827 - 1 Jun 1900
Woodruff, Phebe Whittemore Carter
8 Mar 1807 - 10 Nov 1885
1586 mentions


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Letter from Eugene T. Woolley, 7 November 1887

Salt Lake City, . Pres. Wilford Woodruff; Dear Bro. I received a notice today signed by you wishing me to take a mission to the South- ern States, to be ready to leave this City on the 15 day of the present month. I have been out on the Weber after stock for the past two weeks, hence the letter did not reach me till today, as I arrived here only last night; I therefore think it impossible for me to start so soon; as I have not ever been to the Temple; and, also; I think being 26 years of age

Letter from William Budge, 7 November 1887

President W Woodruff Dear Bro Bro E. L Burgoyne of Montpelier called upon me yesterday, and desired me to write to you in relation to himself and the mission to which he has lately been called. He is an excellent young man, and anxious to go, but his Father upon whom he has been depending for his living thinks he cannot possably spare him untill spring, as the young man has had the care of stock and other interests that the father is not familiar with. Bro Burgoyne—the father—is one of our leading business men and although in his feelings and sympathies he is with the church, does not live up to his privileges in meny things, or he would make the way open for his son to go, he promised however to let him go in the spring. They had a rather serious altercation over the matter yesterday morning, the Boy having it seems sdeclared his intention to go anyway, but I told him I would write to you, and perhaps you would think it best for him to satay till spring and go with his fathers good feelengs. A word from you addressed to me on the subject at your earliest convenience will much oblige I remain very respectfully Your Bro Wm Budge

Letter from Daniel Hanmer Snarr, 7 November 1887

D H Snarr wants More time give it to him ^Daniel H. Snarr^ Salt Lake City Nov 7 [18]87 Presedent Willford Woodruff Dear Bro My appointment (came to hand yester day Sunday.) for a Mission to the Southern States, & to leave hear on the 15th of this Month, which is veriy short notice & as it cahught me unprepared & am in buisness which would nead some little arangeing be for I could start, would like to ask should this be A company starting a little later would be pleased to have untill thamn so as to arange my buisness, & If not would like to ask off untill spring or next April should their be a company start at that time, I am also expecting an increese in my family in a verry short time which almost binds me to stay untill all is well, & my buisness fixed so it would be of some benefit to my family while I am away from them, I have three small children & expecting another that will nead some arrangeing for, & as this has caught me unprepared would like your kind concid- eration in my case & will anxiously wait your answer, With a desier to ^do^ what is right I remain your Bro - Daniel. H. Snarr to the Presidincy of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latterday Saints I have Read the Statement of Brother D. H. Snarr and believe them to be true Wm Thorn Bp 7th Ward

Letter from William Budge, 7 November 1887

President W Woodruff Dear Bro I returned from Blackfoot friday. Time of court last week taken up em- paneling U. S and territorial juries, and with other preparitory business. Trials commence this week. I will be at Blackfoot tonight. Can say nothing definate yet as to what may be done with the bretherin a number of whom from Bingham Co have pleaded guilty, they thinking the proof against them conclusive, and having no Laywyer or means to procure one. The general feeling about Blackfoot is friendly no sign of disrespect shown in any way which is quite remarkable. The Judge appears to be an exception, and the general expectation is that he will strictly enforce the law, and that he will be pleased to do it. I am very truly Your Bro Wm Budge


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Nov 7, 1887