Day in the Life

Dec 15, 1887

Journal Entry

December 15, 1887 ~ Thursday

15 I signed 23 Recommends I received 31 Letters 24 Pub
A hand pointing to the right Private 6 I wrote 8 Public Letters 6 Private to Jaques &c
I spent the day at John Clarks


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Jaques, John
7 Jan 1827 - 1 Jun 1900
Clark, John William
12 Jan 1826 - 4 Jun 1905
10 mentions
1840 British Convert

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Letter to Franklin Dewey Richards, 15 December 1887
Salt Lake City, U. T. . Elder Franklin D. Richards, Dear Brother Franklin: Your favor of the 12th inst., addressed to myself Brothers Geo. Q. Cannon and Jos. F Smith, came duly to hand. We regret that we did not see you on Saturday, as we would have been pleased to have met with you. I see no objection to your taking the trip which you con- template, and sincerely trust that you will have an enjoy- able time, as I have no doubt you will. There is nothing special that occurs to us at the present time to say to you respecting your labor on the East. Your presence will, no doubt, be very much appreciated by the brethren, and you may have it in your power to give them some counsel

Dec 15, 1887