Day in the Life

Dec 18, 1887

Journal Entry

December 18, 1887 ~ Sunday

18 Sunday Clara was much better this morning eat
some breakfast and was much better through the day
sister Zina spent the day with us


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Beebe, Clara Martisha Woodruff
23 Jul 1868 - 29 Dec 1927
418 mentions

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Letter from Helaman Pratt, 18 December 1887
Prest. W. Woodruff Salt Lake City Dear Brother Your communication of Nov. 2nd and Dec 1st reached me by ^in^ due time The bearer of the first returned to Utah imediately. The other case re- fured to in your first communication has not yet been consumated. I beleave Bro Loving and Amilia Pay are booth in good standing in the church and I will write to him at once, (he lives about 30 miles north of here) But it appears some what doubtfull wheather he and Bro Haws will suceeed or not, on account of the changible disposition of those with hoom they are treating with However I will give you notice if they fail not

Dec 18, 1887