Day in the Life

Jan 3, 1888

Journal Entry

January 03, 1888 ~ Tuesday

3 A hand pointing to the right A folded letter/box I went to the office Early in the morning I signed
30 Recommends I received 25 Letters I wrote 12 public
Letters we held a meeting with the Board of Zions savings
had an interview with H S Eldridge & John Morgan
we had a vary busy day we spent the night at B Y Hamptons


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Letter from James B. Ririe, 3 January 1888

West Weber Wilford Woodruff Dear brother I recived your letter some time ago but owing to sircumstance I have not answered before now but will say as I have been accepted as a missionary to the southern states by the help of the lord I will be ready by the time apointed your bro in the gosple J. B. Ririe H. D. Petterson Counseler to the Bishop of W. W. Ward

Letter from Oliver Boardman Huntington, 3 January 1888

Springvill Utah Pres. Wilford Woodruff. Dear Brother. I recieved yours of the first inst. and was very glad to hear from you, but was verry sorry to be made aware that you lacked a Photo of the Monument at Pisgah. I have been labor- ing under the idea that I sent you one when I sent to Bro. F. D. Richards & Bro. Lorenzo Snow, but I certainly must have been mistaken, although. when I was at Salt Lake on Thanksgiving times Bro. Franklin asked me if I had one for you? I answered, that I had sent you one. I hope Dear Bro. Woodruff that you cant find

Letter from Frederick Hesse, 3 January 1888

St. Louis, Mo. den . Geehrter Herr! Hiedurch erlaube ich mir, Sie um freundliche Auskunft über die staatlichen, religiösen, und Famili enverhältnisse in Ihrem Staate zu bitten, indem ich gesonnen bin dem Beispiele meiner Landsleute von Nürnberg, in Bavaria, Germania, zu folgen und wie diese im Jahre 1882 gethan haben, als Bürger und guter Glaübiger, mit noch mehreren Lands- leuten, die gleiche Religionsgesinnungen wie ich hegen, in Ihren Staat und Kirche einzutreten, Meine Verhältnisse sind in Kürze zusammenge- faßt folgende: "Ich bin verheirathet, 36. Jahre alt, 2 Jahre Hier in Amerika, habe in Deutschland höhere Schulen genossen, Forstcultur und Landwirthschaft theoretisch und practisch studirt, habe den Feldzug von 1870-71. als Officier mitgemacht, betrieb Hier in St. Louis ein Geschäft und verlor dabei als grüner deutscher—Grünhorn—meine aus Deutsch- land mitgebrachten $2000.00 und habe nun St. Louis satt. Ich arbeitete seit ich mein Geld verloren schwer nur um mich und meine Frau ehrlich zu ernähren, aber ersparen konnte ich in diesem elenden St Louis nichts trotz allem Hungern und Darben.

Letter from Ammon Meshach Tenney, 3 January 1888

Zenos, Maricopa Co., Arizona, Dear Bro. Allen we arrived here last Friday after an absence from Home of exactly one month Our Journey hoere has been attended with some dificulties though not of a serious nature we Brok our axle tree, then our Thimble, &, again annother Thimble to our wagon then we lost one of our mules together with the cold weather and the distance that we Have traveled Has detained or occupied exactly one month. we are Howevr Here in good spirits in the Town Known as Mesa City, though the P. O. address is at the Heading. I received your kind letter regarding Bro. C. E. Richardson & am Pleased to inform you that we found him awaiting us at this place I should of written to let you know on the first day of our arrival but felt that I Had better wait untill I learned something of the out look pointing to our mission. yesterday Pres. Robson Bro. McDonald & My self Had a visit, at which time we conversed upon the Lamenite Mission these Brethren, it appears to me Have made this Lamenite Mission a spc^i^alty in their labors in this land, and their efforts.


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Jan 3, 1888