Day in the Life

Jan 10, 1888

Journal Entry

January 10, 1888 ~ Tuesday

10 [FIGURES] I signed 15 Recommends, I receivd 8 Letters
I wrote 7 Public Letters I Met with the board of the
Z.C.M.I. at their office After the business was
over we heard a report of Arthur Stainer on the
Manufacture of sugar from sorgom we apointed
of three to investigate it who were Romney Grant
& Winder I had an interview with Folsome & James J


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Grant, Heber Jeddy
22 Nov 1856 - 14 May 1945
276 mentions
Woodruff, James Jackson
25 May 1847 - 8 Dec 1927
90 mentions
Romney, Miles Park
18 Aug 1843 - 26 Feb 1904
48 mentions
Folsom, William Harrison
25 Mar 1815 - 19 Mar 1901


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Letter from Marriner Wood Merrill, 10 January 1888
Prest Wilford Woodruff Dear Bro [E]nclosed please find report of Repts & disbursements for 6 [m]onths ending Dec 31st 1887 for Logan Temple, also report of the Secy of the association Means spent on Block &c will say we have Recd in produce and used the same in the [k]itchen $70.29 and the amt paid Cooks $126.25 and for [k]itchen suppies paid out of fund $303.25 Makes a Total of $499.79 [a]nd the m^e^ales to ordinance workers & cleaners is 4905 makeing [10c] and nearely 1/5c pr meal; you will see the Sundry [page cut off]c is $620.35 I have bought an organ for Temple $11200 and was obliged to buy a Horse $15000 Set Harness 4900 and the Bal of the $620.25 has been used for other inced[ent]al [e]xpenses in the Temple &c have furnished our own Grain for team for last 6 months and not got it as formerly from the Church, have also paid $314.00 towards Building and [f]urnishing a House on one corner of Temple Block as pr former [in]structions Hopeing all will be satisfactory to you I remain Respectfully your Bro & co laborer M. W. Merrill
Letter from William Paxman, 10 January 1888
President Wilford Woodruff Salt Lake City Utah Dear Beloved Brother: It is by the kindness and blessings of Our Heavenly Father that we are permitted to ad- -dress you in the enjoyment of health and strength, and I trust the spirit of this important mission, at this the commencement of another year, and I feel that we as saints can hail with joy each new year, knowing as we do know, that each one will bring about great changes for the good and welfare of the Israel of our God, and each one brings us nearer our redeemprtion, which God will surely give unto us in His own due time, and may this present one bring about liberty for the saints of God, if that would be for our best good. Your kind welcome and interesting letter of Nov 4th came duly to hand, and was read with great interest, as the great distance we are from head quarters, the leaders of God's people, makes a letter doubly welcome. We were indeed pained to learn of you having such a bad cold and cough, a [page torn] desire that long ere


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Jan 10, 1888