Day in the Life

Feb 24, 1888

Journal Entry

February 24, 1888 ~ Friday

24 A hand pointing to the right I signed 30 Recemmends I received
20 Letters I spent the day in council with the 12
upon church business I wrote 1 Letter to Mary
and sent her $20.


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Woodruff, Mary, b. 1867
26 Oct 1867 - 15 Feb 1903
170 mentions

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Letter from Joseph M Romney, 24 February 1888
Salt Lake City, . President Wilford Woodruff, Dear Sir: Brother George Q. Coray, of Provo, and myself are about to begin a week- ly periodical in this city, and we would much like to get a letter of approval from you indorsing our project. This, of course, we obligate ourselves to use in a private and becoming manner, as a mark of our trustworthiness and and good in- tentions in the conduct of a thoroughly reliable and pure-toned paper. The nature of our enterprise is this: the paper will be a combination of the literary journal and the newspaper, something new in our midst, and one which we shall aim to make specially adapted to home wants, one whose pages shall be free from anything which sullies
Letter from Ole Petersen, 24 February 1888
Clarkston Pres Wilford Woodruf Dear Brother Your letter of 11th inst. is at hand by w^h^ich i see that i have been called as a Missionary to Scan- dinavia and for all i know now i feel willing to go and respond to the call made on me and if all is well shal be ready to start from Salt Lake City May 12th Your Brother in the Gospel Ole Petersen John Jardine Bp


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Feb 24, 1888