Day in the Life

Mar 8, 1889

Journal Entry

March 08, 1889 ~ Friday

8, I am some better this Morning I was vary sick
yesterday my lungs are better this morning I
spent the day in the House And I Attended a
Keys crossed Party in the 14 ward An old fashion Party there
were about 200 present, we had a vary hard rain
in the fore part of the Evening we staid untill
12 oclock we then called at Brother Gallagers Eating
House by invitation & got a supper of oysters &
returned home & to bed at one oclok.


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Letter from Ingwald Conrad Thoresen, 8 March 1889

I. C. Thoresen Hyrum

Letter from Thomas Spackman, 8 January 1889

Farmington Wilford. Woodruff. Dear Brother yours of Dec 28th at Hand desiring to Know what my feelings are with Reguard to the call as A missionary to Great Britain, to start as Early as April 9th 1889. To the above call I shall gladly Respond, and concider it the greatest Privalige of my Life, and if I can go forth in Humility and Help the cause of truth & Richeousness, it will be A Sourse of Joy and thanksgiving to me. Although I feel my weekness, yet I am willing to try trusting in the Lord our god for strength. I will be on Hand on the above date unless Prevented by something unforseen at Present I Remain your Brother Thomas Spackman Over

Letter from Robert Harman, 8 March 1889

Mill Creek Ward . Dear Brother: Woodruff, I am willing to respound to the call made upon me, my feeling as regards to this call are good, I will be ready to start from this City at said date. Your Brother in the Gospel, Robert Harman. OK L J n

Letter from Christian Lyngaa Christensen, 8 March 1889

C L Christensen Red Mar 13 [18]89 Ansd Mar 20 [18]89 President W. Woodruff Dear Bro I take the Libberty to write you a fiew lines to say I intend to start for Arizona in about 3 Weeks in Company With other Exiles, haveing done the best by my families that I can at present I Would like your Aprovel of this Contemplated trip through the navijo Country I desire to Preach Teach and Baptise as the Lord may open the Way as I Use to do this is my Greatest desire and as I have not been in the South for some time Consiquently I have not been


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Mar 8, 1889