Day in the Life

Mar 12, 1889

Journal Entry

March 12, 1889 ~ Tuesday

12 A hand pointing to the right I signed 20 Recommends I received
16 Letters. I wrote 4 Letters I Attended
a supper Party at Abram Cannon and
returned to the Farm & spent the night 8 Miles
I find I am overwhelmed in Business


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Cannon, Abraham Hoagland
12 Mar 1859 - 19 Jul 1896
149 mentions


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Letter from Herman Grether, 12 March 1889

Salt Lake City, Prst. Wilford Woodruff! Dear Brother. I recieved Your letter dated March the 9th and I feel it is my duty to respond, to the call made by you; for me to take a mission to the Northwestern Staates. I shall try to do my best in fulfilling that mission with the help of my heavently father; if there is know sickness in my family, they will be allright durring my absence; Your humble seervant Herman Grether. 964 E. 4 South Street. Attest Adam Speirs 10th Wd, City. Bp OK L J n

Letter from C. G. Johnson, 12 March 1889

South Cottonwood . President Wilford Woodruff Dear Brother In response to the call with which I have been honored to go on a mission I feel very grateful for the same as I have always found pleasure in the missionary field I was called in my native land (Sweden) when a young boy and labored as a missionary for nine years in the Stockholm conference untill I was realeased in 1879 to go to Zion, and I feel the same love for the missonery field to day.

Letter from Andrew Madsen, 12 March 1889

Mt Pleasant Pres. W. Woodruff Dear Brother: Your letter of the 10th ult. received. In answer would say that I could not very well get ready to start for Scandi- navie in May Yours truly Andrew Madsen

Letter from Edwin Dilworth Woolley Jr., 12 March 1889

Kanab Utah . Prest. Wilford Woodruff. Dear Brother. A number of the Bishops of our wards, have submitted some questions, in relation to issuing Temple Recommends, and to secure a uniformity, of action on the part of the Bishops in issuing Recommends I submit the questions to you, if you will be so kind as to considder the same, and give me an early reply, you will greatly oblige Your Brother in the Gospel E. D. Woolley


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Mar 12, 1889