Day in the Life

Mar 14, 1889

Journal Entry

March 14, 1889 ~ Thursday

March 4, 1889
G Reynolds spoke 15 M[inutes], David Johns spoke 10 Minuts
Afternoon Met at 2 oclock The authorities of the Church
were Presented and sustaind Then W Woodruff spoke
one hour G Q Cannon spoke 17 Minuts

14 I signed 44 Recommends I Received 20 Letters
A hand pointing to the right I wrote 4 Letters to Andrew W. Phebe Scholes
Phebe Snow & Mary I had interviews with several
Brethren on Business


Browse people Wilford Woodruff mentioned on this day in his journal. Click on the person's name to view a short bio and other pages they are mentioned on or click on "View in Family Search" to view their FamilySearch profile.

Woodruff, Andrew
10 Sep 1831 - 6 Oct 1916
18 mentions
John, David
47 mentions
Cannon, George Quayle
11 Jan 1827 - 12 Apr 1901
2272 mentions
Ross, Mary Ann Jackson Woodruff
18 Feb 1818 - 25 Oct 1894
41 mentions
Snow, Phebe Amelia Woodruff
4 Mar 1842 - 15 Feb 1919
346 mentions
Saville, Phebe Carter Scholes
6 Oct 1862 - 29 Nov 1926
115 mentions
Woodruff, Wilford (Jr.)
22 Mar 1840 - 9 May 1921
721 mentions

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Letter from James Hyrum Hall, 14 March 1889

Wellsville Utah . Wilford Woodruff. Salt Lake City Utah Dear Brother Yours of the 9th received in reply will say I dont know of anything that will prevent me from being thair ready. to start on a mission the 14th of may I will arange my business, & be thair on time if it is possible Your Brother in the Gospel J. H. Hall. Bro James H. Hall in my opin ion is worthy to be a messenger of salvation to any nation or people Your Bro. Jos Howell acting OK L J n

Letter from Bruce R. Wilson, 14 March 1889

President Wilford Woodruff Dear Brother It is with much pleasure that I take the Opportunity to inform you thaht I received my appointment as a missionary to the Eastern States a week ago to day and I have Just found out for sure that I will bee abble to go at the Appointed time sat by you Hopping you will excuse my long silence your Brother in the Gosple Bruce R. Wilson Peter Abplanalp Bishop

Letter from Erastus Kofford, 14 March 1889

Mt. Pleasant Wilford Woodruff Salt Lake City Dear Brother I Received the call to goe on a Mission to Scandinavia sent me a few Days ago. I will say in Reply that I will try to fullfill the Calling to the best of my Ability Your Brother in the Gospel Erastus Kofford N. P. Madsen Bp. OK L J n

Letter from Erastus Kofford, 14 March 1889

Erastus Koffrodrd Mt Pleasant

Letter from Dennison Emer Harris, 14 March 1889

D E Harris Long Island Red Mar 19 [18]89 Rockville Centre, Long Island, N. Y. March 14, 1889. Pres't Wilford Woodruff, My dear Brother, I take pleasure in submitting to ^you^ the report of the Northern States Mission for the last five months nearly. Last fall we made out the reports of each conference sepa- rately at the time we held our conference. October 10, is the mean time of holding these conferences. You will observe that the statistics of Illinois, Indiana and Michigan are not included here. I wrote the clerk of that

Letter from Thomas Edwin Ricks and Francis C. Gunnell, 14 March 1889

Rexburg, Idaho, Prest. Wilford Woodruff, Salt Lake City, Utah. Dear Brother An oplogy is due for not submitting the report of our Quarterly Conference of the Bannock Stake of Zion ^sooner^ which was held Sunday and Monday Feby 16th and 17th 1889. one feature, in listening to the reports as given by the different Bp's, we find some in- crease in faith and in the observance of duties which is gratifying to report; we had the best representation at this conference that we have ever had since the organization of the Stake, as we had nearley all the Wards and organizations represented, notwithstanding the scattered con- dition of our Wards, athe Church and Local Authorities were duly presented and sustained, the subjects mostly dwelt on by the speakers were admonishing the Saints to observe the signs of the times, and prepare for coming events. Some sickness has been prevalent during

Letter from Anna Brita Olsdotter Hellstrom, 14 March 1889

Chihuahua Mexico Prest. Wilford Woodruff Salt Lake City Dear Bro. I take the liberty of writing you in regard to my son John A. Hellstrom of Richfield Sevier Co. Utah. He has just lost his wife in childbed, and has three children left without a mother's care; and no relatives whatever around him. He is, I understand selected for a mission to Europe. I desire very much to assist him in looking after and rearing his children, and could be of much help to him if he was here with me. I am getting along in years and am not able to endure all the severe labor incident to a new country, and am here alone; and my son could be a help and comfort to me here. If it is not asking too much, could his mission be changed from Europe to Mexico, and he be appointed to labor in, and help build up the settlements of the Saints in this land and thus assist him and me in helping each other? Bro. A. F. Macdonald can give you any other information you may desire. Hoping to hear from you soon and favorably I am—Your Sister in the Gospel Anna B Hellstrom


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Mar 14, 1889