Day in the Life

Mar 18, 1889

Journal Entry

March 18, 1889 ~ Monday

March 18 1889
^ A hand pointing to the right^ I signed 62 Recommends I received 36 Letters I wrote
9 Letters I spent the day at the Gardo to Mary $15


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Woodruff, Mary, b. 1867
26 Oct 1867 - 15 Feb 1903
168 mentions


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Letter from Erastus Kofford, 14 March 1889
Red Accepts Mission
Letter to Katherine Ann Love Paxman, 18 March 1889
Katie L. Paxman, Nephi, Juab Co. Dear Sister:—Your favor of the 13th inst was duly received. The quiet and comforts of home and the society of kindred and friends must be a most welcome change to you from the experiences of three and a half years' sojourn among strangers in foreign lands, under, no doubt, constantly trying and laborious, and sometimes distressing, circumstances, aalthough, perhaps, your foreign mission has not been wholly devoid of profit or pleasure. I congratulate you on your safe return and on heaven's gift to you of a son in the New and Everlasting Covenant. My time being very much occupied, it is difficult for me to say, just now, when I shall pay a visit to Nephi. With kind regards to yourself and parents, and wishing a kindly remem- brance to brother Paxman when you write to him. I remain your Brother in the Gospel, W Woodruff
Letter to William Atkin, 18 March 1889
Salt Lake City . William Atkin, Bloomington, Washington Co. Dear Brother William: Your letter of Feb. 4th came duly to hand. Press of other matters has prevented me from answering sooner. Since then, as you are aware, Brother Geo. Q. has regained his liberty, and is now greatly enjoying it and improving by visiting and meeting with the saints whenever opportunity permits. On his first sentence he received no benefit of the "Copper Act", as it is called, because the term of imprisonment was shorter than the law contem- plated for such benefits. But under the second sentence—100 days—he got the full benefit allowed by the "Copper Act"—that is, five days off per month, or about fifteen days. In regard to getting a State goverment for Utah, I cannot see but it will be just as consistent for the Lord to soften the hearts of the "powers that be" to give the people of Utah their rights, in some small degree, in the form of a State goverment, as to soften them to administer the harsh laws they have made to rule us by, in some degree of mildness and humanity. We are now, politically


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Mar 18, 1889