Day in the Life

Mar 21, 1889

Journal Entry

March 21, 1889 ~ Thursday

21 A hand pointing to the right I signed 31 Recommends I received ^11^ Letters
I wrote 7 Letters 5 Pub, to Mary & Sarah
(I attended the Bank Meeting yesterday (20) at the Gardo
I attended a surprize Party at Asahels I spent
the night at the farm


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Woodruff, Asahel Hart, b. 1863
3 Feb 1863 - 2 Jul 1939
708 mentions
Ross, Mary Ann Jackson Woodruff
18 Feb 1818 - 25 Oct 1894
41 mentions
Woodruff, Sarah Brown
1 Jan 1834 - 9 May 1909
707 mentions


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Letter from Michael Nielson, 21 March 1889
[sideways text] Michael Nielsen Richfield Rcd Mar 25 [18]89 [end of sideways text] Richfield March 21st 1889 President Wilford Woodruff. Salt Lake City Dear Brother In my last letter I stated that I would probably need two months to arrange my affairs preparatory to going on a mission to Scandinavia. I now find that I will need three months in order to raise means sufficient to take me there and be able to get along when I get there as I understand the condition of the mission there is such that it takes at least some means to get allong as the missionaries are to a great extent thrown on theire own recouses [resources] and I have no desire to be a burden to anyone as far as I can avoid it hoping
Letter from Nels Forsberg, 6 June 1889
Chicago To Whom it may Concern, Mr. Nels Forsberg has been in our employ for the past year as general book-keeper & his services have been satisfactory to us. We beleive to be honest & of good habits & he leaves our employ of his own accord. Resp'y F. E. Jennison, Cash. Chicago Trust & Savings Bank. Besides I can present two more.
Letter from Franklin Dewey Richards, 21 March 1889
President Woodruff. S L City . and Council— Beloved Brethren—I think I ought to inform you of our progress in the translation and revision of the Book of Mormon into the Jewish Language. Last Saturday—the 16th inst—brother Isaacson handed in anstalment of the translation that extended to page 459 of the last English Edition, which leaves 164 pages to complete the translation. He says he will have it finished by the last of April, as he does quite regularly four pages each day. Concerning the Revision—Brother Behrman & I are pursuing this part of the labor, by his reading the translation back to me in English thus noting and corre[c]ting all apparent defects to the best of our ability, & expect to have our part accomplished about the same time as the translation will be. Although we are doing the best we can at this, still I am desirous that some more competent test should be applied than we are able to give it. In this connexion I would ask—Is it not time to consider the necessary arrangements preparatory to the printing and publishing of this work, which,


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Mar 21, 1889