Day in the Life

Apr 9, 1889

Journal Entry

April 09, 1889 ~ Tuesday

9th I went to the Gordo and found it full of
Man waiting to do business with me all day
long I attended the State & Stake board at
10 oclock and sat untill 1 oclok and I had a
great Many called upon me for Business
I signed 15 Recommends & receivd 8 Letters


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Letter from B. Quinn, 9 April 1889

Rev B. Quinn Buffalo NY Rec April 15 [18]89 Buffalo NY April 9 [18]89 Wilford Woodruff President Mormon church Salt Lake City Utah Dear Sir If possible please send me a copy of the controversy held some years ago between J P Newman and some of your leading men. Send to Cor Main St and Humboldt Parkway Buffalo NY. If you have any pamphlets showing what qualifications are required for joining your church and what priviliges and employ-

Discourse 1889-04-09

Prest. Woodruff endorsed Bro. Mae- ser's remarks and commended his pray- erfulness as a worthy example for all teachers in the Church Schools. He referred to the tendency of the schools of the land towards infidelity, and exhorted the teachers to prepare themselves by humility and prayerfulness to combat this tendency by making our denominational schools successful

Education - Church Board of Education Convention Summary

Tuesday, Prest W Woodruff Presiding Opened Singing - We thank thee O God Prayer - James Sharp Introductory remarks by Prest Woodruff Bro Maeser stated the business of the meeting, and the subjects that should be considered by the convention Prest Woodruff addressed the meeting for a short time, especially on the efficacy of [Prest] Cannon prayer, & the tendency to ignore God in education

Letter from William James Critchlow, 9 April 1889

Ogden, Utah, . Prest. Wilford Woodruff, Salt Lake. Dear Brother: In reply to your favor of March 26th. 1889, in which my name was suggested & accepted as a missionary to Great Britian. I take pleasure in saying that there are no reasonable obstacles which would cause me to shrink from the labor assigned me, viz. "To prom- ulgate the principles of the Gospel to the nations of the Earth," consequently I accept my call with much pleasure. Your Brother in the Gopel W. J. Critchlow. OK L J n

Letter from Andrew Kimball, 9 April 1889

Salt Lake City, To the First Presidency, Dear Brethren: I have waited until the rush of conference is over, now with your kind indulgence I will give a brief report of the Indian Territory Mis- sion. All the Elders are well again, Two are traveling in the Choctaw nation have been successful in opening up several new fields, making many friends, some converts and baptizing some. In the Cherokee Nat. they are still spreading the work and are meeting with consid- erable encouragement, having baptized several this spring, some some partly Indian. the same in the Choctaw Nat. Two of the Elders have just reached the agency of the Osage Trive, they have had the way opened up all ther wayJourney, they interviewed the U. S. agent, (as this trive is under agency yet) and gained his


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Apr 9, 1889