Day in the Life

Jun 5, 1889

Journal Entry

June 05, 1889 ~ Wednesday

5 I signed 18 Recommends. I received 16 Letters. I wrote
10 Letters 9 pub. we had a Bank Meeting I went to the
An arrow An arrow An arrow An arrow An arrow An arrow An arrow
Farm And at 9 oclock I was taken with one of my old
Attaks of the Billious Cholic and I suffered Everything but
death At midnight I sent for Brother Joseph Richards
who administered some Medicine which Eased my pain


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Richards, Joseph Smith
4 Oct 1848 - 30 Oct 1913


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Letter from William King, 5 June 1889
Pres Wm King Sandwich Islands Rec June 7 [18]89 Ansd June 18 [18]89 [end of sideways text] Laie Oahu Sandwich Islands June 5th 1889 President Wilford Woodruff Dear Brother Feeling it necessary to write you again about the affairs of the Mission. Note but what the mission is very prosperous. as at present there is a general wackeing up of all the Saints I have Just returned from a three weeks tour on the Island of Maui although the Saints are feeling well I find the presence of a foreign Elder very necessary to regulate the Branches Bro Fox is gone to the Island of Hawaii and Bro Eakle to Kauiai. I feel it of sufficient importance that we should have two more good and efficient Elders either with or without their Families. I am pursuaded that Marvin Pack with a little assistance would be able to come, his knowledge of the language would make him a good helper


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Jun 5, 1889