Day in the Life

Jun 9, 1889

Journal Entry

June 09, 1889 ~ Sunday

9. Sunday I had about 20 visitors through the day I
had to talk to much I was vary weak I was not able
to stand alone I was quite restless through the night

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Letter from Thomas Edwin Ricks, 9 June 1889
Rexburg, Bingham Co., Idaho, Prest W. Woodruff, Salt Lake. Dr Bro I have just returned from Blackfoot; we had Bro Heber Ricks, James M Cook Wm Westover, we employed Mr. Hawleey for Attorney, and we urged the Cases to be brought forward, they were called up and Indictments read to each one, they were very lengthy documents, charging the parties with perjury, to which each one, plead not guilty, and we asked for time to be set for trial Mr Hawley set forth in a very able argument showing why the defendants should have a speedy trial, but the Court refused to allow them a trial at this term of Court, without stating any reasons, only that the time was too short, so all of the perjury cases are laid over till the next term. We have got our Saw Mill

Jun 9, 1889